
That was to long to read but I’ll respond in complete ignorance anyway just skimming thru you mentioned Jeter who is way overrated with a shit ass range and weak arm, and Mookie Betts also overrated ripken 

If Mike Trout is on an East coast team this thread doesn’t exist think about that Bryce Harper is not even close to the talent Trout is but gets way more attention. Manny Machado gets way more attention Anthony Rizzo Kris Bryant get way more attention but Trout the far beyond doubt best baseball player in my 37 yrs

I'm a White Sox fan but you totally missed Javier Biaz in that comment he's probably the most fun having person in all of baseball and also so fucking good at what he does that I watch Cubs games just for him 

I work midnight shift so it works great for me I drive while everyone else sleeps get a couple hrs nap then take back over driving till destination beer and whiskey 

drove 22 hrs nonstop except gas and piss breaks from chicago to orlando my fiance printed out maps and taped them to the windows of the SUV with the designated stops for gas and piss breaks but also had a goody/prize bag for each of the 3 kids assigned to each stop with times of the day we were expected to get there

Srichacha is garbage

Eery dollar he earned was a result of him cheating. Every dollar I have earned is a result of me working hard for it he should have to give up all career winnings and banned from every aspect of the sport. He completely ruined people’s live fuck this guy with a rusty fork

Jagr by far

Ishop at Wal-Mart because feeding a family of 5 is expensive as fuck and I can 40 to 50 dollars every 2 weeks there over Jewel, Mariano’s, or Caputo’s. However I work midnights so I go when I get off work at 5am so no lines I’m basicly the only person other than employees in the store it’s awesome to shop like that

Bananas are gross not only haven’t I eaten a banana in over yrs but I won’t eat anything that’s banana flavored

I haven’t read rp1 because i didn’t know it was a book until this article. I didn’t read Twilight because I’m not a 12 yr old girl nor have I ever been a 12 yr old girl there is a difference. Chose a better reference point please.

I’m 37 was born in 1980 pretty sure it’s for my age group not yours

I +1'd you however as a white person with a big bushy beard, tattoos and a shaved head I literally go thru all that every time I go somewhere with the dirty looks and judgements about my appearance even though I know I did nothing wrong I get looked at as either a biker type or skinhead when in reality I got a bunch

You forgot “Anyone ever tell you that you look like a penis with a cap on”

“Anyone ever tell you that you look like a penis with a cap on” is one of the greatest lines in history but doesn’t get eough love because of that line

But you’re still going to watch season 8 of game of thrones right because if you don’t grrm may never Finnish the books and then you’ll never know if ice zombies or bad lannisters or bad targarians or bad Starks sit on a throne

How about you tell us the story. I’m very interested in hearing/reading about it

You mean Crete that’s the farthest south I would consider a suburb and the only one with actual cornfields in it

670 the score in Chicago 6pm to 10 pm Lawrence Holmes or 9 am to 1 pm Spiegel and Perkins or Parkans not sure how he spells it. Also if they could get rid of Bernstein and put someone else with Goth in the afternoon slot that would be great

As a fan of bears ouch, also as a bears fan double ouch take your star