
Sanfretello’s in Glen Ellyn,Il. It’s a suburb about 15 minutes south of Chicago. You’re welcome

I tried to star you but for some reason it went from 17 stars to 16 stars, but anyway I was going to say as a bears fan openly rooting for a tank season this is the 1st year I can remember that my gf watched games with me because I didn’t get mad when stupid decisions were made by that sly old fox. She thinks it’s

Why didn’t we get a why your site sucks this year

Orton didn’t play that season he played the season before

This is what I don’t understand if it was already touched by the eagles isn’t it a live ball anyway or am I getting rules confused here

My dad worked as a bouncer on the weekends if you wanted to get into the bar you had to buy whatever I was selling and I always sold more than any other kid

This may be a stupid question but what does a smart phone have to do with texts I could text message on my analog brick of a Nokia back in the early 2000s

Add spicy breakfast sausage and shredded cheddar before cooking it and it’s a good frozen snack

Um why not a frying pan. I mean other than cleaning which you can do while you wait for the sandwich to cool for 1 minute and not burn your taste buds off with molten cheese

My girlfriends daughter has had this for school lunch the last 3 years we’ve lived together I can’t bring myself to try it though my pb needs j

All reports in Chicago are that the 2 squared up and Portis won the fight it may not be true but people with inside info all seem to believe that it was an actual fight between the 2 not just pushing with a sucker punch.

I’m not sure how the NFLPA works their membership but I’m most trade unions even if unemployed as long as you pay the union dues you are still a union member. That being said my union dues were between $20 and $50 a month depending on which union I was a member of at the time I’m sure their dues are much higher than

So what you’re saying is that you don’t like pizza. I worried as a GM for Dominos it was free for me and I wouldn’t eat it even though they paid me

But if I call it a Xmas movie and the internet agrees with me then my gf can’t complain when I watch it with the kids on Xmas

Mr. Submarine makes a good sandwich. Potbellies shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same sentence.

It arrived about 10 years ago in the chicago suburbs

Mr. Submarine from the Chicago suburbs would like to have a word with you

Instead of brawl your headline should say 3 pussies jump 1 guy over uber

Not to everybody I can’t stand watching soccer even though both my boys love it and I miss watching football just to watch them play a sport i don’t like to watch but it’s what they like so I watch their games and have tried to watch epl and world cup matches with them but it doesn’t interest me at all unless 1 of

Irs actually on the higher side of warehouse work especially unionised warehouse work most are barley over minimum wage. My brother in law is a union representative and his dad is the union president. Dad makes 500k a year brother in law around 90 the warehouse workers they are supposed to be fighting for are lucky if