"It came with the frame"
"It came with the frame"
My dream woman.
Would you settle for this?
Looks like his lawyer advised him to punt.
Is that a sash or is that his jacket? Or both, says Miss Ugly Jacket, 1984?
Jock Jam rules. Double-uprights. 6 points. '9ers win by 5.
LeBron: Court, remember when there was only one set of skidmarks? That's when I went down on you.
I hope you're never in a horrible tragic accident that gets recorded and some pop singer uses as a background track for some song that will be forgotten about in a month. That is what the families of those who died doing something a lot more daring and heroic than Queen B has ever done. These people risked their lives…
It took until Week 17, but Keyshawn finally made a positive contribution to the show.
Rough week for packages.
"uh... I came."
Holy fuck
When I watched 1 man, 1 jar, the worst sympathy pains ripped through me...an actual, painful, tearing sensation. My friend started gagging/dry - heaving. That shit was awful, especially because we were expecting to laugh our asses off.
Google 1 man 1 jar. You will not be disappointed.
Broken shot glass in the butt. Ouch
Did he choke so hard he threw his back out?
I thought that was Chris Bosh's job?
This is horrible. The last time Jenner took a run at getting a piece of Pucci, we ended up with "Keeping Up with the Kardashians"
Especially if it was from the Northern part of Chile.