+1 and this aggression will not stand, man...
+1 and this aggression will not stand, man...
Lebron's txt to Wayne Rooney: "Who's your guy?"
My thing is... the kid was FOUR years old. What lesson can a four year old learn from being whipped with a switch until he bleeds?
"Sweetheart, just be J Cutty." - Jay Cutler, looking in the mirror, slowly brushing his hair before he leaves the locker room for the press conference.
Mike Tyson should've hit him with that two piece and a duck.
Louis Suarez would've bitten that guy's foot in half.
If you swing your yips the balls will move more accurately.
He only scored that because he was wearing his lucky squirrel on top of his head.
Genius. +1,000,000
This isn't staged or planned? Seems like a shitty way to get people to show up to the games...
"Colin Cowherd is blowing that dog again."
Somewhere, in a parallel universe, Brian Scalabrine and Matt Bonner are best friends, and absolutely dominant for 80% of the 7 minutes and 38 seconds they're on the court.
TMZ is reporting Dustin Johnson was seen snorting a handful of bunker sand on Sunday at a golf course in rural Alabama.
I hope both these guys get burned on game winning drives in more than 5 games this season. Fuck.
Snagging balls that turn more than you'd expect is something only Chris Bosh could train you for.
*Wipes a beadle of sweat off brow* "Whew! These bitches tripping. Lemme call Floyd... "Floyd — it's Stephen A... STEPHEN A SMITH!" - Stephen A Smith
Michelle Beadle has been suspended without pay for 2 episodes of Sportscenter. But this ice tea hitting tho'.
Somebody needs to hit Stephen A Smith with that 2-piece and a duck.