
that was good. also, dowd subtweeted you lol. 

Definitely a comment that is related to this interview, wow so deep.

yes. but alas. they didn’t. and your weird comment is absolutely unrelated. move along.

You’re not sorry. 

Adrienne Barbeau dated both John Carpenter and Swamp Thing? Talk about having a type!

This is sad. I only just watched Persona a couple days ago, and she was so incredible in it.

I’ll go slink back into my pendant’s cave now.

Now playing

I thought so too, but actually, it’s how the original was (mis-)spelled.

Emma Stone’s love for the show was just plain radiant in this episode. As someone who has a very complicated relationship with SNL, it was oddly touching to see her up there talking about the show being passed down through her family and mentioning Gilda Radner. Her monologue could have been treacly, forced, and very

This is why the only thing that could possible make this prequel worth while is if Travolta returns to the role, playing the same character as a one year younger teenager.

Corden and Cannon cast Camila Cabello in coming Cinderella content.

Yeah, that was an unfortunate snub. I recognized her immediately.

Speaking of oversights, why does the Upright Citizens Brigade wikipedia page not have a section for past/current members?

Thanks! was trying to work out where I knew her from.

No - I think you’re correct, they were in the movie theatres first and then started to trickle over into 7-11... it took a few decades for full penetration of King Size Bars into every aisle and counter display.

Interesting... here I was thinking it was part of the “King Size-ification” of candy in the United States. Have noticed how hard it can be to find a “regular sized” anything these days.

That was my exact first thought. I was going to write that very thing, but thought I should check for any other old-timers first.

Awesome! It’s sometimes hard to see something older in a theater around where I live, but the Harkins and art museum nearby does classic movie nights, which I am definitely taking advantage of this summer.

I’n not a Kubrick fan outside of ”2001" and “Dr. Strangelove” but his advice about just getting a camera and start filming is pretty solid. If you are at all self-critical and have a good eye to begin with you’ll see what doesn’t work right away and that’s how you learn what works. Kubrick also said you can learn more

Absolutely not annoying! I’ve actually been doing that quite a bit. I’m a huge fan of Austin Kleon, and his books “Steal Like an Artist” and “Show Your Work” have been super helpful to me. I’ve begun taking a journal with me everywhere and trying to always have a book I’m reading.