
In my neck of the woods those were Wig Wags and yes, the Curly Wurly is a decent substitute, if substatially less...  substantial.

Say what you will about Eobard Thawne and Ray Palmer but at least they didn’t leave a bunch of poop behind when they retrieved the Spear of Destiny from the moon (probably)

They’re looking for a Scottish actor to play bond? How about Angusidris McElba?

I assumed we were about the same age but Kate, hate to tell you... These came three to a pack for years? Is this a Canadian thing? I literally bought a three pack an hour ago, here it is on my lap:

Is it just me or is it weird to omit the fact that this is apparently a parody of “Dear Mr. Watterson”?

That’s not a critic’s job

Wow!  Excellent example!

Das Boot started off as a German miniseries.

It’s actually been an issue since pre-Netflix days, but mostly outside of a US context - in other countries, “TV movies” often are cinematic in the ways you describe because (at least in Europe) there are funding bodies for films made for TV, and commercial breaks (and other factors more TV-related in the US) are less

Christ has nothing to do with any of this. 

good christ what is that from?

I really wish I could stop looking at this.

Thank you for dredging up the ugly trauma of poor 11 year old me seeing this all these years ago. Don’t worry about me, I will uncurl from this foetal position eventually.

Payback for that creepy scene in the 1978 Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

I thought the same!

...and now we’re living it...

Even though I’m a late 40-something who should have memories of the Banana Splits, all I really remember is that the version of the theme that Liz Phair and Material Issue did for “Saturday Morning Cartoons’ Greatest Hits” was really great.

Oh, yes. And it introduced Joe Dante to Jerry Goldsmith, who scored all of his films from that point forward.