
Thanks, and I’ll resign now. I’ve taken up too much space with things not related to Dowd’s good work here. Cheers.

Get out of me!

You don’t know how I feel.  Unless you are me.

weird | wird | adjectivesuggesting something supernatural; uncanny: the weird crying of a seal. informal very strange; bizarre: a weird coincidence | all sorts of weird and wonderful characters. archaic connected with fate.

We’re now connected!

Netflix Presents Mike Myers in Eight Different Costume Tests for The Cat in the Hat

My apologies for hijacking comments on a Clarie Denis story, but no one at the AV Club published an obituary on Bibi Andersson earlier this week and that honestly makes me a little sad. If this was the AV Club of seven years ago, the death of a leading actor in one of the most highly-regarded films in movie history

If they could somehow also collaborate with Orson Welles, they could call it The Magnificent Andersons.

I stand corrected (sort of)! What’s funny is I actually did check the name of the single online to see if the sketch might have taken a deliberate error from that, but didn’t bother going to look for the video on YouTube. Man, I’ll go slink back into my pendant’s cave now.

The “Ladie’s Room” neon sign had the apostrophe in the wrong place; it should be “Ladies’ Room.” Even “Ladies” would have been acceptable. This has been bothering me greatly. This is my strongest opinion on this episode.

her blankly chipper friend

Hadn’t heard them referred to as processed two-shots before, so I thought I’d jump in with a (perhaps unneeded) bit of history.  All good.


The effect is achieved with a piece of glass attached to the lens called a split diopter, or split-focus diopter. A split diopter was used to achieve a deep focus effect when the lighting or lens speed didn’t allow for it. Psychologically, they can be jarring in situations where your brain doesn’t know whether it

I believe this happened before the supersizing trends. I dunno when it started for candy bars – were there giant candy bars before they started showing up in movie theatres? – but Double Big Gulps started in 1986, and upsized fries and drinks appeared at McDonalds in 1992.

Thank you for making me comb through the

I Am Incurious (Blue)

Well, now we know what happened to Zodiac Motherfucker.

Oh, shit, yeah, one more thing: there’s no such thing as a guilty pleasure.  There’s only pleasure.

If those titles were enlightening and inspiring for a you to watch while still in high school, good on you! It sounds like you’re able to make that “art is of a time and place” leap that many people unfortunately can’t make today (or even yesterday: I knew of one guy in film school who refused to watch black and white

I have an answer for this! Please see my reply to Kate’s comment downthread.

Now playing

Very late to this discussion, but I can shed some light on this 2-cup/3-cup Reese transcontinental schism: in the early 1980s, the Canadian branch of Lowney introduced a competitor to the then-2-cup Reese peanut butter cup. Its distinguishing characteristics, heavily trumpeted, were that they were made from Planters