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Anyone remember the series Salvage-1 starring Andy Griffith? Recovery of Neil Armstrong’s moon dung sounds like a great premise for a rebooted pilot.

Also, you can catch a brief glimpse of new character “Grabby,” the hairless teddy bear with a taste for terrible Hawaiian shirts who follows Bo Peep a little too closely until his fellow toy handlers put him on toy leave.

“J.C.” could mean Jesus Christ. Or Joe Chill.

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Obligatory Mort Garson Canadian content mention:

But what of the AV Club/American Darters Association shared universe?

And Dekalog was a Polish TV series.  Which wound up being recognized by the likes of Ebert and Kubrick as one of the towering achievements of cinema.

I don’t know how Speilberg can have his way without upending the funding model for much of contemporary American documentary filmmaking. Unless, of course, AMPAS decides to make further arbitrary distinctions over what rules apply to which categories.

There were many marketing opportunities missed for a tie-in dog food commercial. Or perhaps a tie-in mescaline commercial.

I was about the same age when it came out, and I somehow tricked my parents into taking me to see it in the theatre.  There was much silence in the car on the way home.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1978 edition.  It holds up.  Much like my human-masked, bank-robbing dog.

I won’t rest until my dog can have a mask of MY face.

HANK: What about that time I chipped my tooth on the bathroom urinal? What the fuck is so comical about that?
JIMMY: *giggles for five solid minutes*

Seems like an appropriate time to bring up Umberto Eco’s Foucault’s Pendulum:

Special Appearance by Jason Momoa as C.S. Lewis

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Just leaving this here to be a completionist.

He has the taut, leathery hide of a sunbaked Hereford, so I think the taxonomy checks out.

Sharks are not mammals! Fired, blunder, etc.

Dreyfusati Perseverius

Fun fact: Carly Simon’s most popular song was initially about Japan’s lead singer.