
I remember seeing something like this back in 1999. When we still had a moon.

“If we’re being real, though, there’s really only one answer.”

Perhaps Monos would be better left to the hands of fate.

Wait’ll you see how they get the worm to produce the Water of Life! There won’t be a dry eye in the house.

Hey, I get all my fork news from the Tine Daily!

...What were we talking about again?

Baron Vladimir Harkonnen in Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation of Dune.

He pops by every so often as a stringer.

I wonder how much shorter this list would be if Ignatiy was still here.

Freleng, not Frelong.

It wasn’t so much that Kubrick had trouble finding Rain; as part of his research for 2001 he watched the National Film Board of Canada’s Rain-narrated documentary Universe purportedly at least a hundred times and wanted Rain almost from the get-go. However, Rain was initially unavailabile (or perhaps uninterested)

Yes, came here to say something similar. The Festival was founded in 1952. First production was Richard III with Alec Guinness in July 1953. Rain played Dorset and Tyrrel.

Admittedly, the article I linked to by pure chance was the about the Stratford Festival’s reaction to Rain’s death, and possibly by the only news source that could have probable cause to frame it in this fashion, that being the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, which has rightly played up over the years the

Douglas Rain died Sunday morning.

Your post reminded me of this, appropriately (which actually did freak me out a bit, back in the day):

Odd that THR article doesn’t mention Micheál Richardson is the real-life son of Liam Neeson, considering they’re playing an onscreen father-and-son pair.

Great to read anything about Exidy! Starfire and Venture were mainstays in my early arcade expenditures.

“Oh, and Indy...also you’re to stop by An Lộc on your way and find a deserter who goes by the name Terry the Toad.”

“Now, we’ve got some information here, but we can’t make anything out of it, and maybe you can. Harvard development proceeding. Acquire psilocybin, Mazatec shaman. Timothy Leary, U.S.”

I know that no matter whose byline Random Roles falls under, there’s always going to be omissions of beloved or important entries from an interviewee’s filmography, largely due to the realities of interview time allocation, and editing. But in this case, to not bring up or publish the one major top-billed role for