Golf R but no golfer

Looks awesome to me. Kudos for reviving a storied name. Hopefully this time it will truly have wings to literally fly.

They should have panned to Ricardo Montalban before the kid reveal, and he would say “Wait till you see what they did in my car”.

You are definitely on to something there. Might need to enhance the sound deadening a little bit. Use some tie down straps and a blindfold and she’ll think you are the Mr Grey in truck form.

My luck mine would get bricked. I thought about just getting a 2nd phone (iPhone) to leave in the vehicle. Seems like a minor expense on a nearly $100k vehicle:)

No worries about the transmission choice. I love my manual but sometimes my ankles do hurt from an old injury.

Ok. You have made me curious. I haven’t been able to find one yet to check out in person. I really want to like it...I really do.

Makes you wonder how many Porsche customers have questionable data? :)

Just put a big heaping pile of Elon’s ego in the trunk. It is very dense and should suffice.

Would have been more interesting if the “quack” had told her to eat his excrement.

Yes, there are actually a lot of good choices out there. Many of the SUVs blur the lines with their performance. RS5 and S5 are phenomenal as are the SQ models. Good luck.

Just doesn’t make sense not to support both. VW has had both since 2016.

If the back seats are usually needed and kept upright, the Stinger holds its own with much of the Kia SUV lineup. However a Golf Alltrack AWD has 30.4 ft³ with rear seats up and 66.5 ft³ with rear seats folded. We are all just addicted to SUV’s. But we should each drive what makes us feel confident and good. I just

I had been eagerly anticipating the Mk8 Golf R to replace my 2016 manual transmission Golf R. The touch screen overload killed it for me. I appreciate the manual still being available, but I feel they cut cost in various areas of the car.

Great commercials...along with the MyFast commercials. Different, quirky, and good.

Thank. I just love stereotypes. It is what keeps our society running these days.

Read my original. I don’t care if this piece would have been Left or Right leaning, it still has nothing to do with automotive journalism which I though this site represented. There are other sites suited for that stuff.

Yumi Nu is absolutely gorgeous and voluptuous. So thank you Yumi for sharing your beauty with the world.

The opening statement “I don’t think new cars are as big as you think they are” sounds like an opinion to me.

The Honda Fit/City was always positioned below the Civic in terms of size. So why not compare a Jetta versus a Passat or Corolla vs Camry. Makes more sense to compare same model to same model for size growth over the years.

Surprised that distracted driving wasn’t mentioned in the article with texting and driving being among the worst.