Golf R but no golfer

Sure is, since I said the same thing as a reply to an earlier comment about price tag. Of course my comment didn't get published as it was plagiarized for a new article. Love these self-serving National Enquirer-ish sites.

Well considering that a 2022 Lucid GT sells for mid 60k now and listed for $140k plus, I would say that is a lot of bleeding in 2 years. Will probably get worse.

The average age of Americans is increasing every year due to declining birth rates. Do you think a Baby Boomer is more likely to buy a Chrysler or Plymouth or Dodge (names they have known for a long time) or a Lucid or Rivian or Tesla or BYD? The name is what people relate to and not the car composition.

And this is basically the new version of the National Enquirer. Virtual birdcage liner.

So the EV truck that you designed and manufacture is better? Arm chair quarterbacks are legends in their own minds. I am not a Tesla fanboy, but in reality Musk thinks on an entirely different level than most everyone else.

MotorTrend has a more complete 2024 listing without the blatant biased editorializing. By the way, you left out the Camaro Convertible. are referring to dimwitted Uncle Joe. You are correct.

Good cuckold. Maybe the British Broadcast Company will help you out.

Not surprising that the word “assault” is a trigger word here. Pun intended. Not really a vehicle for you my friend. You probably need to look at the Subie Baja to get your off-road fix.

It’s obvious. CW is a plant by CNN to influence the gear heads to pick a side.

Yeah...right. If it was that easy the Chinese would already be doing it. Hate him or love him, Musk is brilliant and is a visionary. I don’t care much for him on a personal level, but his accomplishments speak for themselves.

Funny how so many pundits raked Toyota over the coals for its “slow adoption” strategy. This ain’t their first rodeo and won’t be their last. Their strategy is better than everyone else’s “hop on the EV band-wagon” strategy.

So what does this say about females who buy sports cars? How about the various other genders? These are the questions that must be answered in follow up studies.

3rd gear....the rise of EV’s will be the final nail on the coffin of the manual transmission. Lack of driver interest already had it on life support.

Ditto. I had the exact same thoughts.

You have forgotten that informed journalism is a thing of the past. Most just write some nonsense diatribe and pass it off as journalism. Who’ll notice...right?

Perhaps most EV appliance drivers want 1 pedal driving but Porsche knows its clientele. Porsche buyers still want engaging driver oriented cars, and not a golf cart with a “musky” smelling interior.

A review is just that a review. The “doesn’t make sense” part is of no value. Beyond that I really don’t care what you think any more than you care what I think. We’ll call it even.

Yeah, they buy them...just don’t let them go once they have them. Non Competition models are easy to find.

The only thing that does make sense is this...If this vehicle is not your cup of tea...THEN DON’T BUY IT. Easy common sense solution.