Golf R but no golfer

To keep the comparison apples to apples or Civic to Civic and with sedan body shapes. The Fit was a subcompact and intended to be a size below the Civic anyhow.

I guess you could grab yourself a few cases of rustoleum and go camp out in a junk yard and binge watch Rust Valley Restorers to get past these feelings.

My 1st choice would be for a 992 gen 911 Carrera. My personal choice for an upcoming retirement ride:)

Keep smoking whatever you are smoking. Just hope it is legal in your state;)

Perhaps, but historically it also results in a beat down in the pits post race. Nothing personal. Just racing and retribution.

Protesting is an expression of Freedom of Speech. Hurling objects from an overpass at moving vehicles below is illegal and extremely dangerous and is not a protected display of Freedom of Speech.

Well, the Citation X11 was a very decent car for the time period. Check out R&T’s review on it. Very good performance.

Yes Candace, the “perils of white privilege”. As no modern quasi news article cannot be layered with personal opinion and subjective comments. She is a criminal regardless of color.

My vote would be for a 2010 or newer Subaru Outback or Impreza. Those can be had for under $9k and less than 150k miles. Good for those Michigan winters. Can haul all of your fun stuff, necessary stuff, or unwanted stuff. Subies are mostly rock solid and get reasonable gas mileage.

Anyone think it is kind of ironic that Mr. V the enVironmentalist is employed in an industry where the competing cars get about 3.1 mpg. Not to mention all of the airplanes and tractor trailers involved in moving the circus around.

Overheard on the CB radio....

Appears that Lamborghini is a little late to the game, but is again upping the ante...

So I guess if he said “Must have been some crazy straight guy who attacked me because I haven’t made jokes about them”, then you would have the same appalled reaction?

Dang....the old double negative thing.

Yes...always depends on whose ox is getting gored.

Not wishing harm...but those who think violence is the answer might just be in the wrong place at the wrong time with misguided deeds such as these.

Yes, I missed the point. My apologies.

I pander to no one my dear. Wrong is wrong and both sides have that in common. So go back to your safe space please.

Hopefully you will be one of those on that road and get a rock through your windshield or paint covering it. Oh, but I am sure these counter-protestors are all former MLB pitchers and have razor sharp aim and could in no way hit an innocent uninvolved passerby.

Starting with a sow’s ear...maybe not a silk purse but a darn nice leather one.