Golf R but no golfer

So when the light turns green, who has the “right of way” in this filtered world? Is there just a mad dash to assimilate back into normal lanes of traffic?

No way. I would assume you would always do the right thing and leave the fictional drama for the big screen actors.

Nope, you didn’t hate to say it. Playing the race card is the predictable first move these days.

I am sure all law enforcement offices are hiring. You should put your money where your mouth is and show them how it’s done.

I’ll make a plug for Jose’s choice of the manual transmission Golf R...since I currently own a 2016 version. Just went to work the other day in 5 to 6 inches of unplowed snow on country back roads with no issues what so ever. I did have to make a brief stop in a flat straight section of other vehicles

I am sure all the Amazon employees in Europe would gladly poop some ballast on that their ship to weigh it down properly for passage. I am sure it has a poop deck. Arrr.

Arrr matey. Sounds like ye might be need’n to walk the plank with that kinda talk. Each’n of us here is entitled to thine own opinion. No need for the name call’n.

Amen to that. Net effect is it reduces Amazon’s cost which increases the size of Bezos treasure chest....Arrr matey’s. A true modern pirate vessel if’n me ever seen one.

Yes...One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.

So what do you call the BLM occupation of Seattle? Rednecks too? What about Occupy San Francisco? Oh rednecks too.

I can attest to that. Below are the results before reset at a fill up of 2016 Golf R with 95k miles. Mixed interstate and secondary road driving and a mixture of docile and hooligan driving. 32 mpg over 376.5 miles.

In by childhood years our family owned a 74 baby blue pinto wagon with the wood-side treatment. My dad had it for about a week and traded it for a Gran Torino Elite of the same year. Brownish color with vinyl top.

Kind of like when 2 guys are in this bar and both hit on this gorgeous chick in the corner and get her number. When they call her up which one will she remember?

Especially if you time the seat adjustment event with a quick acceleration event. Or go the other route with sudden intense braking and you can watch your front seat passenger head butt the dash. Intense fun....especially if you have to wash some red residue off the dash.

I will often just blow them a kiss. Spread the love and not the hate. Perhaps passive aggressive but I haven’t been shot yet.

Dang you beat me to it. I didn’t see your post before I put in my 2 cents.

Someone just forgot to swap out the summer tires on the landing gear for the snow tires. You got to swap those things even when you have AWD “Air Wheel Drive”. It happens.

Now that is very funny. Laughing out loud...while coworkers glare at me for the mere thought of laughing on a Monday.

If the Canoo reaches fruition, it appears to be more what the VW should have been.

Just keep on smok’n that legalized marijuana. You incorrectly assumed that I am whatever you think I am. You are wrong.