Golf R but no golfer

Even the beloved and coveted (at least by me) manual transmission 911 has the dreaded Shift Assist Arrow. Just the EPA exerting its will and might. Blasphemy in my opinion.

Glad you have the resources to help pay for such an ungodly amount of this bill. And bill it is and it will have to be paid at some point. Cure government waste and you will find plenty of funds.

You appear to be suffering from an Oral/Anal Inversion. You are talking a lot of crap.

Same “should get a driver’s license” thought process should apply to illegal immigrants as well....right? Most states allow illegal immigrants to get a driver’s license now. Meaning they should have car insurance and all those niceties as well.

As crazy as it least they didn’t throw in a McRib in the mix. That could be even more gnarly. The RibIshKen. McRib + Fish + Chicken.

Yes, as a current manual transmission Mk7 Golf R owner, previous owner of a Mk7 Golf TDI, and my first encounter was a Mk1 GTI....I guess I am a little biased to the Golf:)

Now (using US models only)....

Oh, oh, oh. I think I know the answer...well perhaps question in true Jeopardy style.

Perhaps they have had a zombie outbreak in the past. Appears the mindless zombies have taken over all facets of local government in the town.

I drive a 6 speed manual. I have driven a car with a CVT and loathe them. I love the sound of a performance engine and exhaust.

So you all good with a hefty increase in electricity rates and a hefty tax of some sort to subsidize making it mandatory for everyone to have an EV?

“We simply can’t afford to wait on starting the switchover until every use case is fully satisfied”

If race isn’t brought into the equation, then no one will notice or care.

Yeah....let a missile blow those poor workers out of the sky...then your point will have been proven...NOT.

Better...but you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

Exactly! These are not refugees just looking to survive. These are druggies or people otherwise able to work who chose not to...because this is easier and more rewarding. Call in the Pinkertons and take out all the trespassers. That is how you deal with rodents.

Well actually you got to throw some love to the Neanderthals as they beat everyone here. However they decided not to stick around due to that Darwin stuff.

I think the advertisement was a subliminal message that “you got to have some balls” to drive a Gremlin.

There is no logical reason to leave your car when you are in the same situation as hundreds or thousands of others. If he was on a deserted back road somewhere without cell service and had not seen another vehicle for several hours....then maybe abandon ship and seek refuge or rescue elsewhere.

This car performed amazingly for its age. At one point I had a 1980 Ford Fiesta. In its 6th year of life the u-shaped panhard rod broke in half. Had this occurred at highway speeds in a curve, I would have wound up with this tin can wrapped around my and it would not have been pleasant. Fatigue and failures such as