
And would it surprise you that it's a shitty charity, with an absurdly low amount of money actually helping kids?

We have to start some kind of Kickstarter campaign to fund a relatively known band to cover that Kars for kids jingle, if only for this jukebox prank.

20$ to play “the barrel polka” on fast pass 12 times in a row at that punk bar I got 86'd once in 1995 sounds like a good investment.

I can’t help but think about those doomsday preppers, sitting on a crate of ten year old canned peaches in their bunkers, looking at those simulations and stroking their guns.

Obviously, Montreal is a hockey town. There are tons of beer leagues, ranging from drunk dudes who can barely stand up on skates to teams who could be competitive at semi-pro levels. It’s pretty easy to join a team on the fly, if only as a replacement player. Bonus points if you’re a goalie, every league is always

My favorite is called two inches for two inches. You have to choose one, can’t go with the status quo. You grow two inches in height, but lose two inches of dick length, or shrink two inches but grow two inches of cock.

I dropped out of watching wrestling for at least 15 years. A buddy of mine who follows indie promotions convinced me to check out AEW when it came on TSN, been hooked since. 

I’m a bigmouth extrovert, but even I run out of shit to say, especially if I’m in situations where I have to keep it PG. I have a list of weird rhetorical questions I fish out in that case. Stuff like:

Good idea to download more than one app. Tinder was a massive fail for me, but on POF, same pics, same bio, I got plenty of dates. No idea why.

Thankfully, my D&D group is on the same page. Just a merry band of unashamed murder hobos on a pillaging berserker rampage, with no regard for mystery solving, character development or any kind of roleplay whatsoever. Cathartic!

As bulletproof as it looks, it does spoil eventually lol.

I have an arrangement with a buddy of mine, he's got a Costco card, I have a car. Works out well for both of us, and we often split items - 23 pounds of mac and cheese is too much, but 11.5 pounds is just right!

Wow, your friend has rock solid balls and is a true friend.

Going to the funeral of a newborn who died a few hours after birth was the most emotionally crushing thing I’ve ever lived through. And I wasn’t even related, it was my then-girlfreind’s work colleague.

I think that setting up a screen should now be referred to as "planting a strawman"

There’s a very fine balancing act between complacency and contentment, and frankly I’m having a pretty good life straddling both sides of that fence.

Sometimes, perhaps. But it's still cheaper than a hotel, and often with better amenities. Sure as shit better than getting screwed.

For me, it’s Superhost or GTFO. I meticulously go through every review before booking. Never been disappointed.

Looks like Jericho isn't the only one who's gonna celebrate with a little bit of the bubbly!!!

If I could get away with it, I would!!