
Jealous much?


Why are his eyes so close together? He looks like Dory.

I like that big gentleman in the aisle eyeing whatever that kid is eating. Watch out kid!!

But what does Kate Upton think...

It’s hard to tell, but do you think he’s entirely fucking bald or just 99% fucking bald?

A true gladiator sport. And truly global. Tennis rules.

Looks like the 49ers will be looking for a sub.

Talk about a boat taking on water...

Hyperlink worked for me @ 1:26 PM EST

Finally. I’ve been anxiously awaiting John Tortorella’s position on this topic for so long.

John Sterling ending games on a high note gives me goosebumps.

Wtf is your point here?

I would submit that the subtle, soft racism of present is as toxic as ever, and that while the more overt demonstrations of racism are no longer apparent (e.g. busing), ignoring Boston’s very real history with this issue is discursive. New England states never waved Confederate flags like their their southen

Okay got it. But they’re not that dated, or even dated at all really. For evidence, I point to Exhibits A, B and C: every dude in Boston named Sully, Murph and Kevin. Also, didn’t busing in public schools end in like the 1988? Yikes.

Hard to tell what your point is, but Boston as a stubbornly racist town historically isn’t a point of contention for anyway not named Sully, Murph or Kevin.

Big wet ass.

I’m sure even Patriots fans are feeling deflated over this one.

For sure. There are def lamer “sports” in the Olympics. Put together a panel of judges against an activity and anyone can be an Olympian!

Def a strike.