mind if I Slytherin?

That was my exact reaction. Using "feel bad" to describe your reaction to the person YOU murdered? That is stunning levels of apathy.

That's part of the problem with our society. Men are taught to value themselves by that structure... that, in essence, their entire identity is tied to it. So when you reject it, you are often not only rejecting the social structure, but rejecting their very humanity.

I guess you are jealous fucker. That guy is earning million dollars for entertaining million of people in youtube. It is real-time show, better than shows where people are fucking, bathing and talking behind stupid walls.

why is he serving food influenced by "shit people"??? Wage theft is fucking horrible and gross, because it often affects those who can least afford it.

So much douchebaggery in one comment. Not a fan of him but wow man, just wow.

I'm pretty sure he was using it as code for Jewish. Even he knew it was a bad move to "go there." This guy sounds like a POS.

Except his killers were charged & indicted, and at trial they'll go away for decades if not be put to death. Unlike these killer cops who straight up walked, usually without a trial. You ignorant dumbass. Think for 2 seconds.

Yet, here's why this type of narrative is dangerous. You're taking a handful of instances in a 20 year time frame and making it sound like an epidemic. Are there bad, racist cops? Yes. Are there people in the system who don't necessarily work towards justice? Yes.

Sure, each of the instances you mention is unfair,

Be the change you wish to see in the world. (Check for cameras first.)

I wish men understood this. Some of them really don't get why women will only meet a man at public places when they're in the earliest stage of dating. Women always have to be on Murder Avoidance Duty.

IDK, I mean, I'm not a woman but if I were just riding the subway by myself and some guy physically assaulted me because he found me attractive, I'd be flattered. I dunno why women gotta make such a big deal about a guy thinking they're pretty and then violently attacking them for it. It's a compliment, ladies!

He wasn't trying to steal her phone, he was just trying to put his number in there for when she changed her mind.

My theory that, the ghost girl is the real/original trainer of Phoebe's ghost pokemon, while Phoebe is just the vessel so the ghost girl could enjoy pokemon battle. That's probably why the ghost girl is sitting on the chair, like an actual elite 4.

Wonderfully written, I hope this sort of change could happen, although that would need people to accept that the patriarchy is a bad thing.

He wants women to only marry UP, and scrounge for a man with a really great job. After all, seeking a husband is the kind of women's work that he can approve of! — but y'know, lazy bitchez shouldn't be just snapping up any ol' kind of underemployed/non-rich husband just because of shit like 'love' or anything. They

May we all remember your prayer as we climb the income ladder and not let our hearts die as so many boomers did with their #GotMine attitude.

That's just crazy talk. Everyone knows poor people aren't allowed to have nice things. How would we know to treat them like shit if they're walking around with nice things like real people?

And I do seem to notice that the recipients of corporate welfare tend to buy, maybe not the better, but the more costly cocaine and prostitutes.

How many people make $35,000 a year after taxes? Most people don't. [I mean, I do, of course. I make multiple times that amount of money, and get great benefits, and job security, and I don't have to worry about how I'm going to afford dinner for my kids tonight. But I'm special, and I DESERVE to make money, because