mind if I Slytherin?


So, I read the New York Times Magazine article this weekend, and I wanted to highlight this:

"This sounds like a road map for threatening a spouse and getting away with it," Justice Alito said. "You put it in rhyme and you put some stuff about the Internet on it and you say, 'I'm an aspiring rap artist.' And so then you are free from prosecution."

There are a lot of issues around here, but the most basic is this: silence is not consent for sexual activity. No one should hear 'do what ever' as 'go ahead and fuck this guy'.

Sorry, but if this case gets upheld, its application is going to be a lot less 'punishing misogynistic rap lyrics' and more 'prosecutors running hog wild over any black man that ever mentioned shooting a gun on a mixtape.'

I hate Man Code BS. Why I should I protect you for being a douchebag or worse just because we both have the same type of genitals? Especially since you'd sell me out in a heartbeat if I did something wrong. It's just a way that predators enforce silence, and if we stood up and didn't feel guilt about violating a code

Here is a quick note on rape and physiological arousal, particularly as it pertains to male victims of rape.

When Marina Abromovic did this in 1974 she wasn't prepared for what people would do. Google Rythem 0. For her she was trying to test the relationship between performer and audience. I think Shia wanted to meet his trolls face to face. Either way with Marina's she put 72 objects on a table and there was a sign that

Just because your dick would be soft doesn't mean that other men wouldn't get hard at the stimulation even if they don't want the sex. Women can and do experience lubrication and even orgasms during rape. I'm assuming from your use of the word "if" that you haven't been a victim of assault (and I sincerely hope that's

People want to stop rape, particularly the people in our judicial system. I'm genuinely sorry you don't recognize this.

I am in UK and this is why i am studying to be a lawyer, the justice system is mess and i know i can not change it but i will try my best to do something about it.

Sure, of course it happens. It is just fairly rare because most victims fear the legal process and social shaming. And it's troubling when the number of false accusation prosecutions starts to get as high as the number of actual prosecutions for rape. If more rape cases were brought to trial, I wouldn't have any

Freedom Wars for $15?! Done and done. It's also PSTV compatible which is a bonus (just bought one Sunday). Reminds me of last year when I almost lost hope, but BestBuy shocked me with Fire Emblem: Awakening for $15 two days after Cyber Monday. GG BB, GG!

Well they couldn't shoot them through the TV so they had to go with Plan B

Keeping that bar low, CT and NC.

I'm of the mind we should just pre-emptively shoot harassers at this point.

Sounds like those Marines were arseholes themselves, not willing to help until they felt it was one of "their" women.

Another German here. This was not a classic case of street harassment, not that this makes much of a difference. The guy started a scuffle with two young girls inside a restaurant. They were apparently aquainted to this guy and his friend. Tugce came to their aid. The two girls have not come forward yet btw. The guy

Is it time to form roving gangs of people that respect others rights and hunt down those that don't yet?