The algorithm is the laziest algorithm they could’ve implemented. People have been finding flaws in the algorithm since day one. Here are some of the stupidest findings.
The algorithm is the laziest algorithm they could’ve implemented. People have been finding flaws in the algorithm since day one. Here are some of the stupidest findings.
Most likely not. Tumblr never made much money, due to the porn. And if getting rid of the porn means it makes even less money, then it’s no skin off Verizon’s nose to just kill it and move on.
As someone who grew up being dragged to adult spaces pretty frequently (single parent, no babysitters), this a million times. There were no tricks, no bargaining, no nothing. I was simply taught social graces from an early age, and warned “embarrass me in public and I will knock you out in front of everyone”.
The only advice I have to give is “sometimes shit just takes time”.
Luck is simply being at the right place, at the right time, with the right set of skills. These things are often out of most people’s control.
...Y’know I was watching the XGames yesterday and couldn’t help noticing how an awful lot of the atheltes were extremely young. And girls.
If that’s the parameters were going with, then it would be “Sweetness” by Jimmy Eat World.
I....may be trying this...
Or the ever-popular “I can’t tell if he’s dead or unconscious, but that ambulance ride is $700, so we’ll just see how things play out”.
I wouldn’t call it abusive, just toxic. She likely knows that LW is in a relationship, but she either doesn’t care or (worst case) is the type to get off on being a homewrecker. She’s also probably realized by now that LW is weak to her advances, and basically just keeps his info for whenever she needs an easy lay.…
This is reminds me of the time one of my uncles got targeted by angry racists in our state because he shared the exact same name as a black guy accused of violently raping a white teenager. Their names were literally right next to each other in the phone book (this happened in the 80's).
HOO BOY, where do I begin?
I love watching some of those things. They are a hoot and a half.
I just spent a whole night marathon-reading Scum’s Wish a few days ago, so forgive me if this is off base, but this “E” chick in L2 sounds like a dead ringer for Akane, the music teacher.
In my middle school years, my family was friendly with another who moved in next door. It was a single woman with two boys my age: one moody and obviously going through his weird “teen angst” phase; and the slightly younger one who’d already found himself on every skateboard and BMX that would hold his weight.
A few weeks ago, we had an issue when a woman in one of the neighboring buildings decided to have a loud, messy breakup with her boyfriend over a food stamp card. Outside. At 3 am. For 3 straight nights.
So your dad saw a werecat? That’s certainly new.
Fun story: A Japanese metal band I follow came to the States a few years ago to play a few shows in Virginia (Japan doesn’t do tips). Months later, I was watching the concert footage on YT and noticed that someone in the comments claimed to have been their waiter when they stopped by some local burger shack.…
At my high school graduation, there were a LOT of vuvuzela’s. Like, half the families in that hall at least one and were blowing like no tomorrow. Reason: there were a lot of kids from S. and C. Africa in my graduating class, refugees or the children of refugees. Many of them were the first in their families to…