mind if I Slytherin?

I love Saved!

Off-topic, but after all the model talk today I love how people seem to think Kendall Jenner has "amazing bone structure" when THIS lady walks the earth. Kendall Jenner has a very nice skull and teeth. Coco has BONE FUCKING STRUCTURE.


"the schoolground bully"

To quote a rando I found on the internet: "Look upon the horrors you create."

Yeah, it's really dramatic wording, but it SUPER resonated with me when I was stoned and internet surfing, lol.

No. I can respond however I like, actually. Here's the deal: There are so many assumptions here, most of them arrogant and ridiculous. First is the idea that students actually don't know where their food comes from. It doesn't, by the way, mostly come from the forest. It comes from factory farms. If you really want to

Agreed. I haven't eaten meat in a long ass time because I'm aware of where it comes from and it freaks me right out. My husband eats it and I've been encouraging him to go in on a cow share at a local ranch that lets people visit to see how the cows are raised and where they're slaughtered. It's important to know that

Murder is used for humans because it separates taking the life of an unwilling victim from the act of violence that it is. We use language like that all the time. Like using the word meat, instead of dead animal. Just because we have created language that allows us to divorce ourselves from actions, doesn't mean

Are you kidding? Of course he was let go, he literally did nothing. You can't put people in jail for having creepy online fantasy lives.

I'm going to find a way to clone fictional characters, then I am going to clone enough Olivia Bensons to staff every SVU.

It's ironic that the acronym for New Orleans Police Department is "No PD"

My dad was telling me funny stories about a dog he had growing up, which ended with, more or less, "Blackie just got to be too much of a problem in a small house in the city, so my parents gave him to one of their friends who had a farm upstate." me: "Um, Dad? Do you know what that means, when you send a pet to live

you think pet owners should have tens of thousands saved up for their animals' health problems? Really? Gobsmacking. Pets only for the rich, says this person.

So you admit to pulling your poor health theory out of your butt? Even if true, rapists get old too. Unpunished rapists who are celebrated by the culture get to enjoy years and years of happiness, which the victims do not, so don't feel too bad for him.

I know, but similar eras and all. Cosby's comedy is still boring and bland as shit. Jim Gaffigan does the family friendly schtick a lot better.

Because imprisoning black people for fun and profit is basically a national pastime.

Most these arguments seem like they would apply to both genders. We should stop locking up people who pose no threat to society, regardless of their gender.

I personally dumped a small fortune into Namco through the quarter slots of their Bosconian machine.

If a cat had been driving, trust me, it would not have been an accident.