mind if I Slytherin?

Wow, what a load of tripe. Statutory rape is always a crime, but the victims are not always harmed by it. Many children mature into young adults before the age of consent - and some after. We set the limit where we do to protect the vulnerable, but it undeniably also prevents some more mature youngsters enjoying

This is the Pokemon I've always wanted. B/W attempts at some commentary via the dude trying to free all the Pokemans, but I'd like to see a more in-depth look at the atrocities and horrors of the Pokemon universe. Pokemon used in wars? Pokemon as food? Pokemon experimentation and product testing? All these things and

What variable is that? Also, Deadmau5 plays to much, much bigger crowds (he headlines some of the biggest festivals in the world).

I have a close girlfriend - well, we've waned a bit in the past 6 years, but we love each other - whose brother and nephew have a similar story.

I love past life stories. My college roommate's mom is convinced her son (my roommate's older brother) is a reincarnation of her grandfather. When the boy was around 3, she had taken him to the doctor for a checkup. He was running around the exam room (before the doc came in) climbing on things and whatnot. She told

Fuck that racist-ass ghost.

'realistic breast physics'

Yeah! Beat that dead horse! Beat it good!

Gamergate has had fair articles. It's just that when you look at it fairly, they still come out looking like awful people.

So we're done with blow jobs now, right? Wrap it up, ladies, the bros have spoken.

I think you make an important point Michael. The line we've drawn is relatively arbitrary. As it is for smoking, drinking, voting, etc. Being 18 or 21 is not a measure of agency. It's not a measure of sexual education. It's not a measure of access to contraceptives or family planning resources. And it's not a measure

Said porn site is supposed to advertise the fact that their models are all of appropriate age. If it doesn't, get the fuck out of there.

I look at that picture and don't see the colonialism, racism, or any of that.

Isn't part of the issue that aid from Western countries HAS arrived but all the corrupt local governments are making it impossible for it to go anywhere? Additionally, there are US personnel helping to build hospitals, but they still have to work with local governments as well. These are sovereign nations, and

As a longtime bleeding heart liberal, this article is so unbelivably self-serving and disingenuous.

Cue the race-baiting, preemptive attacks on anybody who might critique the article's premise.

Wow, you're patronizing and condescending for no apparent reason whatsoever. I disagreed with you, therefore I must 'grow up.' Got it.

OK those women are shitty and definitely NOT "Cool."

I've been trying to figure out my feelings about this article and I think you might have nailed it on the head. From the picture, it appears that the girl who likes sports (baseball hat), beer, and hamburgers is full of shit.

I've only known one Cool Girl, who is still a good friend. A reformed stoner turned marathon runner, the mom who still curses and drinks a beer with gusto, who complains about her husband's motocross hobby, who worries about her kids being bullied, and has written a novel about her high school days that made me