mind if I Slytherin?



I don't like playing online anymore because of people like this. Oh, you've got a team of six shiny legendaries? Either you cheated, or you've got way too much time on your hands, but either way I don't want to play with you.

same here. I don't care if my favs aren't the 'best', I'll make them as good as they can be lol it's always more fun winning or at least doing well with your favorite Pokemon

And yet, when my Rock team wipes them all out, they act shocked. Like I can't figure out how to deal with a couple Water attacks.

It's a better attempt than Christian rock music.

I reflectively threw up in my mouth a little when I read Hoobastan- erp. Damn, I did it again.

Religion is a choice, the others aren't. Plus there's plenty of religious people on this thread who are finding this funny.

I'm kinda surprised to see a fellow Christian on here. I love Kotaku but it can sometimes be a hard place to have any spiritual beliefs lol.

also, mad props to this guy for at least being relavent. My memory of youth group is peppered with fringe secular/christian songs like Hoobastank's The Reason. Woof

As a christian, I approve of this post.

Good luck trying to play KH3 if you skipped the "side-stories."

Take as long as you want! A good games needs time to brew.

In Grace Ann's version, the goblins make their special unleavened goblin bread out of the blood of Gryffindor first-years.

Having read so, so much fanfic (like, in the millions of words and I should really find another hobby), I would not be even the tiniest bit surprised if it was the former. I have opened a whole lot of fics, read a couple paragraphs, and had to just walk away from my computer for a minute. For every incredible fic that

I feel like Christians like her are on shaky ground beliefs wise if they think 1 book series will turn their kids into devil worshipers. I was obsessed with Aztec gods and goddesses and didn't leave the church to start worshiping Quetzalcoatl (also called Morning Star).

In the first few lines we learn that atheist women don't wear makeup, wear unattractive baggy pantsuits, and don't vacuum their rugs. Sadly, I think she is actually batting a 2 out of 3 in terms of this atheist woman.

To be fair, they started off as a pretty heavily oppressed minority, like throw them to the lions heavily oppressed.

"That's its face!"