mind if I Slytherin?

^my ovaries after this video. Hot men fighting, gameplay....bless you Dark Lord Satin.

There's more to fashion than just color. Not everyone dresses like a rainbow on crack, y'know. If you had any eye for detail, you'd notice how each outfit is indicative of the personal style of the characters. Your complaints come off as really pithy. You're an embarrassment to the fan community.

Because having highly detailed buffed up brodudes is somehow different

Then I'd say this game isn't for you. You can safely move on with your life.

What would Edgar, Sabin, Locke, Gau and Setzer look like walking in the same line? Or Cloud, Barrett, Cid, and Vincent? Squall, Zell, and Irvine? We've had quite a few lineups of pretty boys in FF games for decades. I'm less concerned with what the guys look like then what the girls will, honestly. They've barely

I think the key to any sort of physical punishment, be it a light smack on the hands, or a slightly less light whack on the butt/back of the head with an open hand is timing. If you do it EVERY time the kid acts up, of course it will do everything Drew said (eventually become ineffective and habitual). However, if you

You're describing assholes who shouldn't own dogs. They're just like asshole parents who suck at parenting. Congrats, you made an apples to apples comparison.

I look at it like riding horses [RichWhitePersonJokeMittRomney.gif]. There are novice riders that use brute force to tell the horse what to do, like kicking them in the gut, wrenching on their mouth and neck, and ultimately using force to compensation for communication and skill. Then there are skilled horseman than

but they are somehow attractive to begin with
the amount of truly painful to see actors in Japan is incredible. In fact you see how the camera avoids showing them. You cant expect such old geezers to be "popular"
The good looking guys are all into gay porn/shounen ai...

I can understand why guys would be hesitant to join the porn industry there; have you heard the way Japanese porn actresses scream over there? I would have to stab my eardrums out before a shoot is finished :\

All porn needs more male porn stars! Its high time that males get equal opportunity in the female dominated industry that is pornography.

It means "Hope"

I'm going to disagree. I've seen behind the scenes stuff with men getting their hair styled. If you're on TV representing something you believe in....look good.

Hmm, the reply from Sky News is entirely resonable. Plus TV is not a good example of a place where people should just "look however they want", the lighting required to film changes your face and washes off the details of the face and makes you look weirdly pale without make up... and she could have just asked them to

That's Korea.

It's easy to ignore the faults in pandering media when you're the one being pandered to.

Because it looks bad and you should laugh at how bad it looks.

Thank god the comments section is pointing out how men have been objectified and run through the same male fantasies as the female characters. Because clearly it's far easier to just make sure everything's even then to actually bothering trying to identify and fix the problems with how men and women are depicted

Sarkeesian makes pretty good points. Writers and directors should do better than what they've been doing. However, I'm reluctant to say that violence against any single group of people should be removed from creative work since that has the potential to shut down a vein of narrative. I mean sure, "imagine better

Anime Hipster.