
According to the Harry Potter wiki, she worked for two years for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement right after she graduated...this could be a TV series. Minerva McGonagall: badass magical rookie cop whose tough exterior and razor-sharp wit hides her inner heartbreak (she decided not to marry the Muggle guy

I want her to write The McGonagall Chronicles.

LOVE the production design here:

That’s gonna be tough. She almost out-NPH’d NPH.

His work on Cosmos is genuinely great. It’s like his heart is always in a decent place and his money always goes to liberal causes, but he’s still the millennium TV version of a chauvinistic Stern-esque shock jock.

Like Roald Dahl - wrote kids books (although debatable?) and basically was a monster. Excellent.

Can we get two Mara Wilsons instead? That would be awesome.

I want to say that I feel like there are ten years between every Broad City season and I want more. Can Hillary make it her main platform to force them to do more eps every season?

True story: saw Ilana Glazer on the subway last week late at night. I was paralyzed and wanted SO BAD to tell her how great I think she is, but this is weird and unacceptable. So I just sat there and kept screaming at my husband with my eyes.

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This is my favorite. My mom and I still tell each other to ‘Stop it!’ when we are getting anxious or depressed.

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I always wish I would run into Bill in these streets, with someone i extremely love. Like Michael fassbender or Amy poehler.

I keep hearing bookstore owner from Little Britain LOL

At it’s extreme, this type of obsession with “clean eating” is called orthorexia. It’s a recognised disorder. When people get so involved in a certain type of restrictive diet, such as paleo, it can be really harmful. But often it’s not picked up, and people who are obsessive are celebrated as super-healthy role

I haven’t met her (#notblessed) but I am working with her publisher right now who refers to her as “Peggy” as in, “Oh you know, the last time Peggy came in the office we talked about...” at which point I was too busy swiveling my head looking for where they were hiding Peggy to listen to what she was saying.

Can we call her MA or MargAt?

I see her around a lot, riding her bike and looking wonderful and sometimes a little kooky in the best way.