
I agree with the digital vision. As Lucky's content became more high end I ended up ditching my account for a newly minted Pinterest and haven't looked back. I've been really able to curate great clothing in my price range using that tool —- and I think a fully digital version understand current consumerism may help

That's what happens or is supposed to.

Seriously. We can have as many affirmative consent discussions as we want in orientation - but colleges have 18 years to undo in a few days.

Title IX in regard to sexual assault applies to K-12. The school clearly knows about his prior actions. Given that prior notice, should another rape be perpetrated by him, the survivor will have every right to sur coach, principal, and possibly board for every penny they've ever seen.

Even more, we don't have an issue with in person voter fraud at all and that's all IDs protect from. We could even mitigate that with indelible ink like the UN suggests for a low cost solution.

Me too. I actually gained respect for her after finding this out.

Yup. They're usually just Vietnamese pot bellied pigs.

Micro pigs are just piglets. In order for you to keep them from growing to regular pig size they essentially have to be starved. Those pigs are basically dying of starvation.

Trashy is fine in fashion. We've made trends off it.

That's not a fashion critique.

And the case happened in nation that has hundreds of years a racial history to use as context. Your reading is too literal.

Don't speak for me.

They are. And they will be. We have a long standing history of murdering people of color for being a person of color and this was a high profile murder that seemingly epitomized just that. And a jury agreed. Appropriate justice for a murder like Renisha McBride's is still enough of a systemtic aberration that it is

This desire for vindication and blood that seems to be popular in the US when it comes systemic issues actually ends up hurting African-Americans, more than it gives any sense of "justice."

Well, thank you for sharing. It was lovely trolling with you.

For what purpose? This is amusing.

Thank you!

Wait, was that you trying to have the last word?

I can tell. You keep responding and interacting.

My parents did age appropriate sex ed stuff when I was young. Enough so when my mom was pregnant when I was five I asked them if my father put his penis in my mother's vagina to make that happen. The thought was that if I were ever to be sexually abused that I would have the appropriate knowledge and understanding