They are not political activists. They are not claiming to represent anyone other than themselves, whereas Ms. Mallory is.
They are not political activists. They are not claiming to represent anyone other than themselves, whereas Ms. Mallory is.
OMG the way she calls him “Larry” (I’m sure she was supposed to call him Dr. Nassar during all those years) is dripping with such perfect condescension. POWER move, 15.866 total score.
I’m pretty sure the judge is only empowered to (figuratively) tear Larry to pieces, but yeah. Hopefully his sentencing will be followed up with huge civil lawsuits -- and criminal charges, where appropriate -- against all of the enablers.
I can not believe that my cross stitch is on here.
Or maybe she really believes the right-wing crazy talk (she’s from Slovenia and most of what she knows of US politics is filtered through her husband!), and she’s ALSO being treated badly. He doesn’t have to literally be holding her prisoner in order for her to do the talk show circuits and spout conspiracy theory.
This. As for the lack of rape kits, the university clinic isn’t supposed to be a substitute for an actual hospital. They don’t perform surgery either. You go there for a cold, or a prescription for the pill, or food poisoning. Anything more serious (including a rape), you go to a real fucking hospital and the real…
Come on, dude. He said “a smart understanding of what rape is becoming and what we’re now understanding about it.” He’s making exactly the point you say he should be making. Jesus, why does this conversation always devolve into policing people for not phrasing things in exactly the way people like you approve of?
Yes, the most important thing is whether she leaked the video, not the pattern of behavior the video displays. I wish I was a famous, rich, and attractive (to many) man, imagine what I could get away with!!
Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.
I’m almost speechless.
I can’t remember his whole spiel, because my brain was filled with the enraged screams of my primal warrior ancestors and I was battling to keep a pleasant expression on my face.
Leo is campaigning hard for this one.
Not only that, but parents get ridiculed for having negative thoughts about their children, especially mothers. Everyone gets tired, and having worked with many babies, I am fully aware of the days when you just want to scream because NOTHING you do works, and it’s because you really are trying so hard to make sure…
He is such a scumbag that words fail me. Before she met him she was a nurse at the prestigious M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and gave up her life to follow him around for his career and his religion, only to be totally failed by him in every way. Yet he forgives her.
“(An aside: According to a Daily Beast report, Marines preparing to deploy in Afghanistan were instructed to view sexual assault as a “cultural” issue and not to intervene should they witness, in particular, child rape or sexual enslavement.)”
The problem isn’t that integrated units hurt morale and unit cohesion.
I read this line somewhere the other day: we disgrace our heroes by permitting villains. This shit really needs to stop.
I think there is space for a nuanced show that explores 2nd wave feminism and it’s successes and failures. However, we don’t need another Pan-Am; that will just add to the myth when what we need is an honest discussion.