
I mean, one of the things I noted with Vixen’s reads on Eureka is that Vixen often mentioned that Eureka took up too much space. Which is a classic fatphobic remark. Fat both erases some of ones privilege and is a loss of privilege that is normalized and justified.

I fail to see how this is different than other Drag Queens on the show out of drag.

The hate for Eureka drives me crazy. Critiquing a Drag Queen for having a big overt the top personality has been the stupidest critique ever. Queens having over the top personalities is basically one of the oldest stereotypes in Drag

It’s a very special and weird club we belong to.

I’ve connected with that piece a lot. My mother’s behavior also really unmoored me from my sense of place and sense of person. When I tell my story I get the same mix of feelings.

One can’t dismantle white supremacy without dismantling misogyny. Period.

The same structures that hold up anti-blackness hold up anti-Semitism in the United States. They are different beasts, but they hold a connection. However, a rise in anti-Semitic attacks is always a canary in the coal mine about the rise of hate.

But black people were going to sit this one out because of a flyer.

My mother decided to end our relationship because I wouldn’t enthusiastically be into the parental relationship after ending her relationship with my father in such an awful that I came out with PTSD.

I can’t believe that my roommate who I met because of Jezebel is on Jezebel.

Oh good. Another idiot who doesn’t understand that money doesn’t stop abuse nor provide a ticket out.

Your point was victims don’t live in castles. And we know that to be bullshit. You’re trying to play both sides now. I regret taking your trolling ass out of the greys.

Bullshit. Abuse happens at literally all income levels.

How is this not victim blaming?

And? That’s some shitty rationalization. Partisan victim blaming.

My empathy isn’t zero sum.

If my feminism is going to be inter-sectional or it will be bullshit - I’m not going to sit here and pretend empathy is some zero sum game where because a person who is not being treated as a whole human by their spouse.

Nah brah. Due process to kick people off campus and get them out of your dorm is why they handle it.

Because both.

This is also a form protest/civil disobedience. She has that right. Troll on.