Cutting off the foreskin is not an equivalent of removing a clitoris. It's just not and if you can't discern the difference, please step away.
Cutting off the foreskin is not an equivalent of removing a clitoris. It's just not and if you can't discern the difference, please step away.
There are a ton of decisions that my parents made that I wish I had the choice on for minute reasons. Still, I'm not going to threadjack about it.
Unlike with women where the removal of the entire clitoris prevents women from experiencing orgasm, male orgasm is not impacted. There is some difference in sensation, but wouldn't consider it as "blatantly destructive".
Realistically parents' make thousands of choices about a child's body until the age of 18.
FGM Type II, the most common kind, is more equivalent to cutting the entire head of the penis off than simply the foreskin. Types III and IV are more invasive than that. So, stop with the false equivalencies.
This is a public health crisis. And the is NRA is costing lives as its lobbying efforts has crippled our ability to fund research related to gun violence and public health.
For a couple years I had flight anxiety so bad that my adrenaline would essentially sober me up from Xanax and/or alcohol. I would have had to have been too far gone to fly so I just sucked it up and white knuckled it.
Eh, fuck it.
Yeah. That'll totally help when the perp is in the victim's classes or dorm.
And you can still critique. Thanks for the pedantry though.
And this is why funding university research is still important. They do work where the market fails to.
Zero sum games are really hard standards for humans. I've said horrible things in my life and have gone on to still be a pretty decent social justice educator. This type of apology is an excellent example of how to come off sincerely instead of #sorrynotsorry.
The college followed due process for their institution as dictated by federal standards.
Of course it is. As wonderful as those kids are they are tough to adopt.
Infant adoption is just as difficult. The children in the system tend to be teens and Tweens.
My lovely single dad realized that the answer to his uncomfortably to my straps showing in high school would have had to have led to the no bra route. He realized in the middle of that fight that he lost his own argument. It was enjoyable.
As someone who has worked a lot with college housing - please talk to your roommate. If there is something they are doing that really bothers you just tell them. It's way better than letting it build. Especially because nine times out of ten — you're not going to get a new room.
Bless his heart.
Issues aren't a zero sum game sweetie.