
It's pretty rare for conduct cases to involve a student who is a mugger.

If you have that information I would suggest filing Cleary violations.

Uh, no.

Today's kids don't come out the womb reading. There will always be emerging or struggling readers.

It's incredibly clear that RR had a huge positive impact on GENERATIONS of readers. This has been Burton's passion for decades and I find the article half assed and probably ordered by some editor who just wanted to be first.

In ten years we're not going to lose 1500 schools. Some small enrollment, some religious, some HBCUs, and single sex...yes. But you're grossly exaggerating. Especially as technology drives higher level skill need for basic skill positions. Even MDs are coming out with a larger knowledge set than you did 40 years

Preach it!!

Let's just say I don't work at Brown but I have significant knowledge about current administration.

And that was absolutely wrong.

Sure. I live that reality every day in my work. And yes that's not a giant stretch. But it's also not reality.

All cases have the chance for publicity. That's life in a small city where local news reporters have scanners.

Um, I actually do do this at an elite school. Conduct is under FERPA and the parents are only involved if their student informs them. The decision is usually recommended from the judicial office and finalized by the Dean of Students. We also don't access their financial aid information in the process.

I'm sorry that happened to you. The law around this has changed dramatically in the last few years. That's a lawsuit now.

No they can't actually. There's FERPA. It has more to do with administrative mishandling. An example of a proactive Ivy would be Cornell.

Well I appreciate you.

Exactly. And if you know your Title IX you'd know that it's now a federal requirement to inform students of their rights in all three paths they can seek.

Even if it is aimed at boys (which is ridiculous) — why can't they play with a girl toy?

The reason why these stories are so common is that there has been a HUGE change in laws in the last three years with more oversight. That's why there's a bump. There's also 3000 institutions of higher ed in the country.


Actually both would handle it. The perpetrator still needs to be expelled in that case.