I wasn't saying that it was a legal action — it's an institutional action. I'm saying the Universities remove students through conduct board.
I wasn't saying that it was a legal action — it's an institutional action. I'm saying the Universities remove students through conduct board.
Sexual assault cases from notice of assault to final appeal can take a maximum of 60 days with the ability to immediately temporarily remove a student from campus. I legitimately think that you don't have a comprehensive understanding of college judicial nor will I be able you the necessary knowledge through kinja. …
You're cute—you really think date rapists, especially the nice young white men who raped a drunk coed, face long term prison punishment? Juries aren't nice feminists who know about rape culture. They still sometimes think that if a person was drinking they were at fault. Judges aren't always great at sentences. …
Educational institutions are legally required to tell students that they can and should report to the police. I've seen numerous students decline to do that and it is there choice. I've also seen students go through the legal system and have a terrible time. Olivia Benson is fiction, unfortunately.
Eh, campus judicial usually handles low level drugs. The only time I've seen police come in are when there are serious rings.
They don't turn over, but they can decline to prosecute. And that's not uncommon for he said/she said cases even for those not on a campus.
You're correct that they don't. But the court system does not have authority to remove a student from class or suspend them from an institution of higher education and so there needs to be appropriate due process.
Yeah, there wouldn't be like higher ed case law, a professional association, required degree paths, and campus legal involved in this.
Due process?
Awww. Same.
LOL. Way to like miss the point and feed into the stupid paradigm. LOL. Scary skinny and ugly fat are basically the only two tabloid descriptors for body parts. LOL. People's bodies are all over the place and you can't judge a persons health by their weight. LOL, amirite?
I concede veracity might not have been the best word choice.
Um, that was what I said earlier. The topic sentence of your sentence stated "I believe in the Holocaust". That's where I take issue. You don't make history unhappen. You critically examine the narrative. Telling students Partition didn't happen doesn't make them question. Having them examine British colonial…
In 8th grade that is through document based inquiry which I referenced above.
Historical events don't fucking un happen. How we think about it does.
Critical thought in history isn't about being skeptical about the veracity of history. It's understanding the polemics of the narrative and importance of document based inquiry.
You're right. It's probably just too much northern liburals who happen to have lady parts.
I'd support that ticket. Although probably too much vagina for 'Murica.
I'm impressed with your intimate knowledge of Hillary. Can you get me a spot on the campaign.
Um, I'd vote Republican just for video.