
The whole peppermint patty thing sure hedges toward gender based discrimination around sexuality which could thereby impact educational access. I'd love to see some families in Mississippi takes schools or the state to task on this.

Universities can't legally hide behind FERPA to not address sexual assault. The Dear Colleague Letter of 2011, this year's Campus SaVE act and the coming White House Task Force initiative specifically address this. If that student felt that the results interfered with her right to receive an education based sexually

What your university did is appropriate. FERPA is designed to protect all students' educational records.

Title IX compliance requires that a University complete the investigation 60 days after given notice.

Exactly and they know what's really happening on campuses.

Why the fuck would we ban tights? That's asinine.

And you made my day! Thank you!

The use of revealing suggests a subjective police which makes it pretty poor. If underwear is visible through outline or through pants/skirt than that becomes a concrete non-gender/sexuality based rule.

Thank you. The only reason I continued to engage is that I feel it's important to educate readers who might see this.

The thing is the whole world of how approaches toward campus sexual assualt has changed dramatically essentially each year for the last three year years. It is a new day with federal mandated requirements for improved policies.

Already happened with Campus Save, VAWA, and DCL love. Universities ARE more accountable hence why we'ere seeing an uptick in cases.

So in the last 3 years rules have changed radically on campuses. One of the reasons you're seeing an uptick in bad incidents on campuses is because reporting structures ARE better. It's a weird double edged sword.

A-fucking-men. There ARE colleges out there that do it well but those stories are impacted by FERPA. It really scares me that people will not come forward on a campus like mine—where there's active attempts to improve an already acceptable policy—because of stories like this.

Because this is called a slippery slope and is flawed reasoning.

Correct, students who don't move forward with any crime committed on campus aren't counted. However, someone who comes forward with a Title IX related complaint is required to be investigated under current regulation even if they are reluctant.

They're Clery stats and so they've been mandated to be reported since the act was signed in to law in the 1990s. They would have been actively available to you in the early 2000s, but as it was the transition period between online and paper it might not have been completely obvious.

Then you're looking for a policy that should read "underwear should not be visible". Butts hang out if you neatly tuck your shirt in to your uniform pants because that is the nature of butts.

Unfortunately due to FERPA it's difficult to tell the stories where there was a good resolution when it comes to sexual assault on campus. And, of course, there's some horribly shitty things that have happened.

If I tuck a shirt in, my jeans don't cover my butt. Why is a butt wrong?