
Which would be useful when watching this:

Oddly, the outrage over marginalization has further marginalized the discussion around the epithet 'redskins' that was where the joke first originated. So, from my own identity I do also find it problematic that Suey hijacked a discussion about American Indians.

This. Nuance can be a really valuable tool for social justice education.

Of course not, but representation should be accurate to current federal laws. Additionally there are schools that do deal with sexual assault well. It's a brand new day on college campuses for how they are required to deal with gender based violence and representation should change with the laws.

Seriously about SVU needing to play a better part. Every single college episode in recent years has ignored the changes that came out of the DCL. They've ignored a lot of federal law to have a story line that involves in loco parentis deans. As someone who works with Title IX in higher education it scares me to see

Love, what you know about the trial comes from criminal court. FERPA only applies to educational records. The DA was acting for the state not the college. Eligibility and any subsequent lawsuits fall outside FERPA.

Offering remedy is legally mandated by the federal government. It HAS to happen.

Offering remedy is not the same as the required Title Ix investigation. They did what most people do — get somethings right, but somethings wrong. Offering remedy is necessary regardless of investigation outcome.

Except it's clear that they didn't do the necessary investigation per OCR mandate through her narrative. How do I know? House administrators aren't Deputy Title Ix coordinators at Harvard. Again the information is out there in various laws and acts I mentioned prior.

1. Hence why I pointed it out. I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings.

Ok. Then you misunderstood my previous point. I was using common nomenclature in my field. You were using it differently. I was not "bitching" but death of the author, blah, blah... Also, be careful with attempts to appeal to hyprocrisy.

You're using investigation wrong especially as it relates to assault. Plus as described Newt's alleged assault does not violate a student's civil rights as it relates to gender.

I understand where you're coming from, but you have to understand that campus cases with sexual assualt more closely mirror civil cases — not criminal.

Consent is still an active agreement. Coercion can still occur without clear implicit threat by the complainant.

Above I state per this narrative (and per some personal knowledge) they likely didn't fully comply to the necessary investigation model.

Not on a college campus for a conduct case regarding sexual assualt. Per Title IX there only needs to be preponderance of evidence.

It's the same at Harvard. If you are a student and are sexually assualted by a fellow student it is in your best interest to report on campus at some point. Whomever you report to first is your choice, but the college can't act if they don't know, and it sometimes takes time for the town to talk to the gown. You

That's rretaliation and pretty darn illegal federally.

Which per federal mandate Harvard does to do the appropriate education action regarding an on going crime situation. They, like most schools, could do better, but they are in compliance of what on going case would look like from a sexual assault perspective. J