I wish (any) politicians would nad up and propose we restore the highest marginal tax rate to 70%+, like it was for most of the past century.
I wish (any) politicians would nad up and propose we restore the highest marginal tax rate to 70%+, like it was for most of the past century.
You’re not interesting because you jerked off in front of women for decades. Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting. You didn’t get your career ruined by a vindictive creep. You spent 20 years harassing your colleagues and threatening them with retaliation and now I gotta…
This is how I feel too. I wanted to like it so much, but found the pacing and inconsistent character motivations frustrating. Hoping it gets better down the line like Buffy did.
I haven’t watched the special yet but I did watch the first season and while I liked it, and think the premise of the reboot is awesome, I really wish I had liked season 1 more. I feel like they are barely scratching the surface with some of their best characters (like the aunts, especially Zelda) and there was…
Once again the government hates single people. I mean really REALLY hates them.
Do they make Listerine for my brain?
....There better be some Nuremberg type trials for this shit. These raggedy motherfuckers need to be put under the jail.
I don’t normally swear on Kinja but holy fuck this makes me happy.
I honestly feel grateful that I’m old and i’ll be dead sooner than later.
Feeling safe enough to use an anti-Asian slur in a train car full of Asians; now that is some Peak Becky behavior!
The Ann Coulter live show is off to an amazing start.
Americans literally depend on their jobs for healthcare. And now they’re attacking individual pieces of healthcare. I honestly see this only as a beginning. It’s politicians and corporations working together and using our culture’s hatred of women to piece things off.
Twelve million dollars to find an answer to a question so simple every twelve year old could answer it:
The lack of a universal public health care system that every single other developed nation in the world has - some of them since the 19th (!) century.
We don’t have universal, accessible health care.
when confronted with a similar scenario, what do you want us to do? The answer cannot be ‘do nothing.’
Yep. He could have continued living his life of crime with minimal trouble if he hadn’t chosen to run for president. But he didn’t expect to win. Nor did he expect that it would be this much work or that everything he did would be under a microscope.
I can’t wait to see Ivanka, Jared and Don Jr go to jail. Before Trump moved into the White House nobody cared about them at all. But they all insisted on being in the spotlight and now all eyes are on their corrupt ways of living.
::chefs kiss::
I have an unopened 18-year-old single malt that I am saving for the instant he is impeached or deceased. Some of us are looking forward to celebrating.