
I appreciate this review. I read Hartley’s recent Harper’s piece (that is excerpted from her book and acting as an ad for it) and was pretty unimpressed with how unthoroughly it seems she has grappled with issues of gender, socialization, labour, and feminist theory as a whole.

I also stopped hiring anyone with a trust fund or whose parents pay their rent. Suffering is part and parcel of any legitimate artistic endeavor. Eat the rich.

I get kids trying to work who have graduated Parsons and make lovely sketches but can barely thread a sewing machine. God help you if you ask them to sweep the floor. I only hire from technical colleges now, they try harder.

Former Hill staffer here...

30 years ago, East Village, steps from Tompkins Sq Park, E. 9th St. Spacious sublet, walk-up tenement, 2 cool roommates, 3 bedrooms, a proper bathroom and two “water closets” (just a toilet). I really liked it, an affordable and good situation.

Aaron Samuels...still pretty smokin’? Ditto the UPS guy from Legally Blonde.

parental leave parental leave parental leave! (guaranteed paid maternity leave first, for obvious reasons, but then right after that we need to start fighting for parental leave to de-gender the “sacrificing career to take care of other people” role)

Famous last words from a rainbow colored blip on our radar.

it’s the same the world over. I feel like financial gurus just get off on shaming people.

And I would like to add that having more than 10K in the bank is a difficult proposition for MOST people with middle-class jobs, not just young people scrambling to get by or people who are struggling.

Over the last couple of years I have been a part of or at least observed a number of online threads where people talked about what is/should be considered “rich” or “wealthy,” and it boggles my mind how little perspective some people have.

i’m 30 and i have about $1500 in my savings right now down from a peak of $2300 this summer before i went on a well-deserved vacation. cnbc can suck my dick

Saw Dan Savage in a hotel lobby. To my husband: Hey, that was Dan Savage. Husband: Who?

I once saw a tourist leaving a vintage shop on the LES barefoot (but holding her shoes in her hands). I was like “where the hell do you think you are, hayseed?”

as someone who was close to and went to college with (before she started pulling shit like this) the birthday girl for years, let me just clarify: this was as staged as it gets. One of the friends is trying to start an event company and this was a stunt for publicity. Thank you, next.

Is she SITTING on the goddamn floor?!?!?!?!? And who just happens to have a piñata on them?!?!?!?!?

I love all you grumpy snarky commenters right now. There’s something so obnoxious about all this LOOK AT US WE’RE SO QUIRKY AND HAVING SO MUCH FUN that drives me nuts. You know what - do this party without the dozens of instagram posts and I would have a little more respect. Be your quirky selves, but just do it

This looks annoying and extra AF, but I’ve had a shitty week and so the snark in these comments is giving me life right now so I’m glad this article exists.

I hate this person.