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... last bit of Seitan news for the evening. I just made a thing of Seitan — or at least that’s what I call it — by mixing a wad of gluten, Kitchen Accomplice vegetable broth, soy sauce, and liquid smoke. Chopped up the wad and boiled it. I’m letting the blobs cool in the fridge, and in the morning I may air fry them.

... by the way, if you’re feeling expansive, I would totally forgive you if you wanted to post your recipe. (Would also understand if you don’t want to do a butt-ton of typing; there are all sorts of Seitan recipes out there and I could find one that way.)

i would disagree as someone who has never remained friends w/a single ex. I mean, why bother? I dont have kids so that makes things easier obviously. But i see no point in being friends with an ex. I dont wish them ill or anything i just think its not productive. Better for all involved to just move forward in life

Know who else has 5 Grammy nominations? Kid Rock. The Grammys mean less than nothing. Almost no one watches, even fewer care.

Honestly, fuck body positivity. Fats built a community and SURPRISE! straight size people with the privilege that comes along with that diluted it down to nothing and made those very fats feel unwelcome.

Perfect header photo is perfect. Any middle aged dude looking like that should proceed directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200$.

Thanks to this article I know this person exists and I wish he didn't.

Men are trash. 

qq just wondering why it is that so many people are struggling with blackface? i, a white person, have gone for the entirety of my 33 years without ever donning blackface, or hanging out with people in blackface, or designing a clothing item that looks like blackface. tbh i’ve done it without even trying. the trick is

Israel is a country; not a religion.  Criticizing a political entity is not prejudice; despite what political lobby groups might tell you.

Is it bad that I’m happy to pay higher taxes just so all those assholes who voted for him have to pay higher taxes, too?

Am I the only one that almost breaks his mouse-wheel when scrolling past the fuckface-in-chief’s tweets?

In the Netflix version- did anyone else kind of freak at the guy who said that after they were told to just go get tents he said ‘we didn’t want neighbors so we started destroying, ripping, and pissing on beds in the tents around us ” or words to that effect? I found that chilling- how many of those types are out


what so now it’s OK to punch people!? what are you a terrorist?! you’re violating his freeze peach!

Maybe Apple could step in and let Siri host. Someone in the audience can shout, “Hey Siri: who are the nominees for best chaise lounge in a period drama?” and he/she’d reply:

The Root truly is petty goals. The images and scelreenshots you all manage to snatch and imbed in these articles... ‘tis an art form. I aspire to ascend to this level of petty when I grow up. #PettyGoals2019.

When their ship finally sinks I hope he is tied to the mast.

Oh yeah, it’s next. It’s just not gentrified yet, I’m saying.

Here’s an attempt at a simple explanation. Basically, marginal tax rates mean that rate only applies to the income at that level.