It is a good one. I have it written down somewhere. I’ll post it when I find it! :)
It is a good one. I have it written down somewhere. I’ll post it when I find it! :)
I make a good meat replacement using wheat gluten. It’s Seitan. I’ve noticed they have started carrying it at some grocery stores over the last few years too. I think the key is that I make dough with the gluten and seasonings and vegetable broth and whatever then cut it in to strips and boil it first and then bake…
Damon, I always enjoy reading your hot takes on Pittsburgh. I left 4 years ago and I feel a little closer to home when I read your pieces. I am white, grew up in the south hills, but worked in the schools in the East side of the city (Lincoln/Larimer, Homewood, East Lib etc.). I think a lot of people that live in…
I do not know who this creep is, but I’m glad he’s getting called out and being investigated. I’ve heard of him, but I don’t know his music. I just knew he was Mandy Moore’s Ex....Fuck this guy.
A lot of people seem to be complaining about how “crazy” this is, but isn’t introducing a bill kind of like putting out a first offer? I think it is meant to be a starting point from which a negotiation could take place. That seems like how it should work at least.
Being born and raised in Pittsburgh, I thought fries in a salad was normal too! I did not realize that it was a not a thing until I moved away haha.
Star for “freeze peach” lol
Thank you! That was helpful.
I know you presented it with ample snark, but thanks because I have never heard the term “marginal” taxes and I am now going to look into that.
I only recently learned that the top tax rates in the 50s and 60s were >80%. (please, come join me under my rock, all are welcome here) It blew my mind, but it makes sense. No wonder we were able to build so much, mega rich people were paying their fair share! Right now the highest is 37% and that is for a family…
Thank you <3
“Inconsistent character motivations”
I lost my mom to uterine cancer when she was 60. I was 23. She used J&J baby powder religiously. I still remember her bathroom always smelling like it. Over the last couple of years I’ve been hearing stories like this and it makes me wonder. I would not have even thought to look for this connection at the time though. …
I used to use this exact make and model of tampon before I switched to cardboard applicators for environmental reasons. Too many times have I seen a random plastic tampon applicator floating in the East River and just been like...why/how/ugh. Glad I made the switch when I did!
It’s starting... :)
I bust this same comment out all the time, but I live in New York and they started paid family leave here in January this year and I think it is great. I haven’t used it yet and I don’t know if I ever will, but it’s only .0013% of my paycheck so it really doesn’t matter. How is it that only 5 states plus D.C. are…
Natty Ice > Trump Ice
I hope he enjoys his 6x9 foot cell. I’m so tired of seeing this creep’s face on this website.
I saw Ben Stiller in the village. People were asking him to take pictures with them and he obliged and was very friendly, and also very tan.