
1) She is sitting on the floor inside the subway car. That is a definite NO. 2) Did she clean up this mess after she was done?? I think it would be funny if the MTA or NYPD send her a fine, but I’m petty and a hater so that’s just me. Happy Birthday!

I would love it if my SO proposed at the finish line of my marathon. During the Bad idea. Don’t do it!

I used to buy full size Mr. Goodbars at the convenience store in my neighborhood growing up. It was my bar of choice. That was in the late 90's / early 00's though. I haven’t seen one since then. 

Soooo lying under oath isn’t a problem anymore? It seems like he’s been caught lying multiple times already and nothing is happening. 

Why is he able to answer the prosecutor’s questions, but freaks out when the D senators ask him a simple yes or no question? Yeah...this isn’t sketchy at all....

He is tap dancing around these questions. It’s a yes or no question, BART!

He’s SO MAD.  Yikes.

I feel the same way. I cannot bear to watch or listen. These last two weeks have been especially draining. We can support her from afar. 

Ah yes, also usually the type of man who is nothing but respectful to women......that HE deems respectable.

Dietitian here. I love that more grocery stores are starting to do things like this. When I was doing my dietetic internship I learned how to do grocery store tours and led 4 or 5 of them and it was really fun. The people on the tour get to learn from the leader and also from each other and we also usually got to try

Florida....the penis of America (I hope someone out there gets my 30 Rock reference.) Seriously though, what a terrible idea. I’ve commented on this elsewhere, but here in NY we now have paid family leave thanks to a tiny, unnoticeable, portion of my paycheck being automatically funneled into the program. Why can’t

This money diary made me giggle. Ah, to be young, carefree, and privileged enough to think that spending 10% of my monthly income on a gym membership is reasonable. What a world!

I live in New York too. It’s only about $3 from each of my paychecks. I do not have kids and don’t know if I ever will, but I do not miss that $3. It should be like this in all states...

Cue unplanned pregnancy in 3...2....1.... 

Right? She said “I can’t because I’m white” like this is some kind of injustice...but why do you want to? I don’t get the motivation here. I also don’t get why she would then post that on Twitter....and the second part of the tweet makes no sense. 

From what I read she also grifted something like $60,000 from someone who she befriended. Not a wealthy person either, someone who is now probably stuck cleaning up the mess. I think because that person went to the police is how this whole thing started to unravel?

I always found it strange that they never showed any of the characters taking the subway. Unless I’m just forgetting about it. I know they are supposed to be well off women, but still, I see wealthy looking people on the subway everyday.

Also, in the second sentence it says “Chinatown” ... I live in NYC, but I’m not from here. If I was still living in Pittsburgh and I read that the article I was about to read was taking place in Chinatown I would hope that I could put 2 and 2 together and assume this was a NYC based story.

This photo....It’s so horrifying to me for some reason. People share the most bizarre things online.

Star for “smash pad” lol