What age is the expiration for having Lil in your stage name? I know for Li’l Sebastian it was 23, but he was a pony.
What age is the expiration for having Lil in your stage name? I know for Li’l Sebastian it was 23, but he was a pony.
I haven’t even noticed it being taken out, that’s how inconsequential it is. I wish it had been around 5 years ago though.
I don’t have kids and I don’t miss it either. I don’t mind doing things like that because it’s of benefit to everyone.
A few years ago before this went into effect my mom went to a store one of the clerks was sitting (in this store the clerks usually stand) behind the counter because she had given birth four or five days before. My mother was appalled.
In California “bonding leave” went into effect the month before my son was born. It gives both parents 6 weeks of time off (paid through disability) to bond on top of the 6-8 weeks mothers who give birth get to recover. Between my ex-husband and I we got to be home with our baby until he was 5 months old. As happy as…
She needs to move the a blue state. New York just put on the books two months paid time off for new parents biological or adopted. I will not be moving to a red state, never, ever ever.
This is why I go straight to the comments. Thank you for your sacrifice.
Its a rule made up by guys that will likely never have a girl to give anything to. Incel bitterness ftw
Oh man I thought I was the only one with a list. These are all things where we just won’t find common ground and we can just avoid wasting each other’s time. Here’s what earns an instant swipe left for me:
eerie skin smoothing filters
Women don’t find sweeping generalizations compelling.
1. Where the hell is everyone going?
Also, for anyone feeling kind of iffy about it, Democratic Socialists of America is not a political party - just an organization. So you’re not like, registering as anything or unable to vote in a Democratic primary or anything (only mentioning because I had some personal friends confused about this when they said…
So she thinks she can use the N-word because she fucks black men? Oh no, no, no.
“Secret Fetish for Brown and Brown-Adjacent Women we do not publicly support or recognize as being worthy” is a looong ass title. :(
Nothing legal.
This is not a sarcastic reply. The GOP has all the cards and they don’t care what we say. But they care what corporations say. We have to apply pressure to corporations to speak out on every social issue that is on the horizon. We need to turn our backs on every company that is not a vocal advocate for women’s rights,…
I’m also of the perfect age demographic for SATC, plus I was actually in NYC during its entire run (and I’m still here). I’m a fashion person and a single woman not interested in having kids as much as I am doing whatever the eff I want. And I’m a white woman who hated this show. Like I hated every self-centered,…