Flavor? Ritual? Hydration? The absence of rapid heartbeat and insomnia?
Flavor? Ritual? Hydration? The absence of rapid heartbeat and insomnia?
Hahaha. The irony of fire marshall bill.
Only a complete rube wouldn’t know where this is taking place from the very title of the post: “Hunger Strike On The Bowery.” Where did you think it was, Aspen?
I don’t like being single, but I LOVE living alone.
Correct. I thought it was a given that Catfish was fake. Are there people who think it’s real??
Shiiit, I have a date tonight with a beard attached to a man, and even though its a first date I’m still trimming and turning my bedroom into a smash pad if the compatibility turns out to be palpable.
Opened toed shoes in the city blow my mind. And people wonder why I’m a night showerer. You were on public transportation? Bathe before you get in bed!
I live in Texas, where people LOVE to wear flip flops year round. Whenever I travel to NYC, Chicago or any other city where I will NOT be driving to go everywhere, I always pack closed-toe shoes. I’ve never understood people who will brave exposing their feet to not only tons of dirt but getting stepped on. If I was a…
Over the years, I’ve seen the people-on-the-streets shots and celeb pics showing hemlines to the ground, and I thought of those people as trash people who make very, very bad choices.
There’s a part of me that wonders if it really is the death of his mother, but not necessarily in the way that people think or have projected. I suspect that yes, he does have legitimate mental health issues and that they were exacerbated by his mother’s death, but I also don’t think there are people around him…
Not to get all cheesy on yall, but one of the best things about being a woman is listening to other women talk about their beauty products/routines. I love the pure, helpful vibe I always get from these conversations and articles. It’s like an exclusive club with its own secret language we get to be a part of! I love…