
I just ignore the number of stars. The stars are no matter to me, anyway, it matters to the seller. I read the CONTENT of the review, and form my opinion about both product & reviewer there. What’s useful to me is what they’re actually saying.

The standard for males is not, and has never been, physical attractiveness. It is success: financial, social, and (in this context) even in-game success.

By this logic Christmas doesn’t make sense, as typically there are an even number of presents exchanged. I give a present to X, and X gives a present to me. It still ends up feeling more fun than just buying something for yourself. Same goes with the culture of buying your table a round, it’s expected that everyone at

Anker PowerCore+ 20100. It’s got huge capacity, good build quality, and a good set of ports - 2 type A (good old USB) that do 2.4A each, and a type C port that I’ve personally tested at nearly 3A so it should charge most any of your devices at full speed. Battery gauge is 10 LEDs, which is a minor thing but it does

Anker PowerCore+ 20100. It’s got huge capacity, good build quality, and a good set of ports - 2 type A (good old

“So we made her a skimpily clad ninja babe.”

Word. I completely agree. They deserve my money, and with all of the paid DLC it only comes to $15, including this one. I have no problem with that.

Must... make... Silver Solo Ranking... Season 2....

I’ll buy whatever DLC they put out. I got the game for free and have played it more than I’ve played any game in the past decade probably, RPGs included.

I feel for the casuals that get most of their kicks from 1p content and don’t really grasp the more intricate battle mechanics and developments that SFV offers. That said, I think in a month’s time that will be alleviated with the rest of the game finally being released. I have personally had a blast, but I also

I don’t too often just post simple observations...but in this case will make an exception..this is just all kinds of awesome! Good on them.

This guy is a class act. Admitting mistakes, providing real answers and encouraging refunds. If only AAA developers worked this way. Can you imagine if EA pulled the latest Sim City because it was broken and encouraged refunds?

Seriously Cawthon gets all of my praise for this.

You said it well enough yourself, fan of the series or not, Cawthon is a very human developer who at least gives a shit.

Third brake lights became a hot aftermarket item people would buy to upgrade the look/safety of their car. That became the source of at least one movie inconsistency I found.

1. Get my family out of my debt.

Nothing. I drive 500 miles each way from Pennsylvania to North Carolina and back, at least once a year, and I only ever stop for fuel. My current car gets about 400 miles to the tank. If I had a car that had a range of 500+ miles on a single tank, I wouldn’t stop at all.

You drive 400+ miles without stopping for a break ?

Or, plug your phone into the Bluetooth port

Like Kirtaner mentioned, you might have a problem, actually: SLI isn’t supported by the Rift.

You’re still out of luck as the Rift doesn’t support SLI configs whatsoever

The eternal fat guy inside of my soul wants this so bad.