Sadly, Nintendo has already issued the child a Cease and Desist
Sadly, Nintendo has already issued the child a Cease and Desist
And my jaded self thinks “ that’s exactly why the parent made the cardboard switch and posted it in the first place “
Because if there was ever a company that believed in creating a global and universal standard, it’s Apple...
It depends on the size of the other car. If you’re hitting exactly the same car, the situation won’t change at all.
Quick summary for the impatient:
Google “ufc reebok controversy”.
Man, now I want more than ever for this game to have been good.
Someone does something that cool, they can be as bro-douchey as they want, as far as I’m concerned.
I love the “thank you for supporting Dark Souls III” at the end.
It’s like ED-209 saying “thank you for your compliance” after it’s riddled you with machine gun bullets.
[UPDATE] I’m being told now by Matt Hardigree that the whole color-blindness thing was a ruse, and the real prank was that the seats were covered in the skin of my dead mother.
Things that make me feel old.
Gremlins 2.
A couple of gray pubes.
Definitely getting the Sega 3D Classics Collection. Woo hoo! Power Drift.
It will never be better because...internet.
It’s not wood. And it looks like ass.
This is quite the nadir for Summit.
While this is an easy criticism to sling at the creator, do remember they told him his level was cleared, then pulled back. Nintendo doesn’t even know what their own policies are. Not only that, his Nintendo Network ID has nothing to do with the word, and they deleted stages that weren’t even named after poo. This…
It’s the most early 90s action videogame character name there is.
I’d also like to point out that “Roar Strand” might just be the coolest name of all time.
Sir, may I suggest that if you’d been issued a mustache as spectacular as Roar Strand’s, these mechanical failures might not have occurred?