
Another misguided person believing blind government is better for everyone.For every heartwrenching anecdote over coverage that might be list there are 10 stories of mon-municipal union workers seeing 1,000% increases in coverage costs. The ACA has cost trillions in subsidies and backdoor payments, and still the

Shouldn’t Celine Dion be singing “My Heart Will Go On”? Or My Hard On Will Go On, at the money shot sequence?

Perhaps 100-2 is Times math for ‘even-handed’ coverage?

Repealed or not, it’s fate matters little to ex-44: his health care plan is a) paid for; b) entirely separate. Oh, and c) he’s ‘earning’ $400k per speech and receiving $ millions for his tell-some tome. #Salt

Ask the husband, maybe?

RIP, Judge. Any thought this might be an ‘honor killing ‘?

Schadenfreude is cyclical, and you’re spinning like a top. Don’t complain during the next cycle as Chelsea or another Dem Darling (c) is treated this way.

He needs the money to fund the non profit that is going to end income inequality Worldwide! You know, like the Clinton Initiative...#Salt

Inevitable wishful thinking.

Unlike the previous administration, Trump is not telegeaphing all US plans to our enemies. Another crock article!

So wrong! Circus peanuts (the orange colored Styrofoam like ones) are the devils own!

Sometimes, the answer is “No”. Mr. Tebow understands this, if you do not. #OnlyAGame

It’s too bad you take sincerity with such a hefty dose of PC cynicism. Playing with ‘flair’ usually leads to brawls and hurt feelings all around, except those of the fun, flair filled teams, whose feelings revolve around egotism.

Considering the plot revolves around the stolen Letters of Transit, that they are mentioned repeatedly, that the evil German Strasser is only in Casablanca to punish the thief and murderer of 2 German  soldiers, that Peter Lorre’s character is shot at Rick’should just after handing the Letters to Bogart’s character

Nothing says rebellious quite like “Everyone must participate the way we say!” #SALT

Honestly the world’s longest ‘magician’s handkerchief’ trick! With a kicker.

48 days....only 717 or so to go! I’ll take the over at 9,000 number of articles per year published bemoaning President trump. That 12% vote? The needle must be stuck. Protests are about the thing they care for the most: where’s MINE, and how do I get it back, preferably for free?!?

You do realize the fastest growing ‘industry’ in the USA over 20 years has been Government, right?

I think that was the (snarky) point here...

News=Harpyish Gossip. When are,we going to grow up, interwebby?