
At least he’ll do some more funny Trump buts in SNL , amirite?? #LeftIsRight

Love me some LBTQs, but perhaps it’s just that the saturation point was reached with the notice of the rebooted QueerEye for the Straight Guy.

I’m sure with a staff that size somewhere between a half and a baker’s dozen are ‘considering’ quitting every week. #OyVey

Im with you. I’d move tomorrow if I could come up with another $8.9 million or so...

And there it is in a nutshell. Both sides here are guilty; the man of unvarnished crusty, the woman, of divisiveness owing to fact he was not up to par for her.

Yet, a truth remains: the still good looking men generally get a pass! Double standards live on, victim or no.


Team is worse than that of the late 70s. Might as well wear green on Sunday. #BadApple

Not a car, a GUV: Giant Utility Vehicle. Shouldn’t be on the road, anyway.

Ah, the 9th circuit! The court that hates written laws! #ShopAroundTheLeftCorner

Cue the update of the Don Henley song, “Dirty Laundry”: ‘Kill em when they up, kill them when they down, kill when they up, kill them all around!’.

Congress should strip the NCAA of tax friendly status and pass laws, along with state legislatures, to limit college coaches’ salaries to university average [compared as mean, not median].

“Just because she’s here illegally doesn’t mean she has no constitutional rights.” #SMH Of course not? Only 18 year old citizens have rights, per the Constitution.

Krapsnaps crackle and pop.#DolaniteCereal

Getting rid of Trump pays off your loans how? The Bernie plan? Most of the vitriol directed at the President seems not so much sour grapes but vinegar-soaked dreams of free passes that expired with HRC’s demise in November.

I get it, she lost and is now suing to recapture her spotlight. The depths of Democratic spitefulness is incredulous.

NOW I feel better!

More evidence College sports are America’s Potyemkin Villages: nice to look at but empty of all save money for the ones holding the shell. A farce wrapped in cynicism. How many states’ highest paid employees are coaches? (More than 40). #Salt

Yeah, left has worked so well...

And here he have the evil unicorn sighting! A story, hotly denied, that if referring to the other side, would have much more rage behind it and comments such as Xochitl’s backhanding the President would see no equal statement say about William Jefferson Clinton.