No, it’s just odd and kind of random. What’s happening in Arkansas and Tennessee that’s different?
No, it’s just odd and kind of random. What’s happening in Arkansas and Tennessee that’s different?
Yea, but Philip Rivers has all the characteristics you look for in a franchise quarterback. You can’t pass that up to stick with a second rounder like Drew Brees.
My parents lived near that building 50 years ago and my mom was OBSESSED with trying to spot her. Then one day, my mom was pushing my brother in a baby carriage and Greta Garbo was walking towards them. As she passed my mom, she said, “you’re baby is beautiful”.
Well, not telling the building owner what she was planning on painting was certainly a dick move...
Froome doesn’t even make a good villain - he’s a vanilla milkshake. His retirement may be accelerated if he takes a year off. That’s a shame for a rider at the end of his career, but what the hell is he thinking blowing his inhaler that hard during the Vuelta? He’s already on thin ice with that thing.
1) I mean like, more than twice in a day, maybe a half hour apart if I’m racing twice. Not like the entire day every half hour.
Just ‘bout to type the same thing. 32 hits on an inhaler in a 24-hour period means you’re in the middle of an unbreakable attack that’s on the verge of killing you.
Lol, 32 puffs of an albuterol inhaler is ridiculous. If I use mine more than once every half hour or so, I feel shaky. 32 puffs and I would be a wreck.
Yes, which makes this so fascinating. But then again, what skeleton is there possibly left in his closet that could shake him? He cheated on his wife, he’s a 2-pump chump when he cheats, he has hookers on speed dial for recruit parties and he’s entangled in the whole mess with adidas. What’s going to come out in all…
of course they are gonna be rusty...melo is gone, and there’s a roster full of people who’ve never taken a shot before.
To be frank though Dumbledore only “saw the light” when his sister got killed and then tried to use a child as a weapon by making him hate life through placing him with an abusive family for over a decade.
Yep. Democrats and Republicans are totally different.
Sure, it was abysmal, but now he has his playoff jitters out of the way and will pitch gems from here on out. *knock on wood*
No shhh this gets him ready to start ALDS game 1.
Won’t unanimously win AL rookie of the year because 15% of BBWAA won’t vote for a Yankees.
Not sure what you thought the league would bear for a 33 year old volume shooter that makes 30 million dollars a year who had a trade list of 3 teams. They did as well as the Bulls and Pacers did for someone far less valuable. None of the teams on his trade list had a cent of cap space, so it would have been…
He pouted his way out of Denver to go to the Knicks (again- he chose to go to the worst run franchise in sports). He then whined and complained about all the losing, which was inevitable. He ran Jeremy Lin out of town when he started taking a bit of attention away from him. He is a terrible defender. At his best he…
Russ Westbrook and Carmelo are going to be like Adolf and Eva Braun. Things might start out great but ultimately, there’s still only one ball between them.