
Enjoy Leavenworth!

In other words: Put up, don’t cut up, or shut up! #For the Win #ForTheUnborn

In a world where horrors abide ‘round every remote, The West Wing reboot would be a waste. The original was meant to distract the country from the real White House occupant’s peccadiloes, which it did so well most people think Martin Sheen’s character eradicated racism, war and smallpox, in real life. Meanwhile,

Obama legacy employee, then?

Loved m osram of this! You’re wrong about Denzel, though. He is our Olivier!!! (Plus, he drove a badass MC in ‘Training Day’)

If wishes were fishes they would be alive on these Trappist-Keepist (?) planets. #KeepDopesAlive

Aim high!

Males as much sense as Drake lyrics.

Rick showing his premature reactions again!#$$TooMuch

Who among is has Quarterly performance reviews? Can we call BS on that point alone?


Clear as mud (slinging). #TuesdaysGone

Remember, in 2012 Obama and Clinton laughed off the idea the Russians were our greatest enemy, as Mitt Romney warned...#DidYouFreakOutThen

Nice headline. Too bad there was no room to report the “no evidence” the campaign was involved in the hack angle...#OyMeMedia

If you has not noticed, Eddie Lampert has been ripping Sears apart for 10+ years. The stores are shella of their former selves and ESL is richer than ever. Whar,are you celebrating with this post?

Nice to see the backlash against to the backlash starting on time. #Trump2016

All the polls in the world may rock you to sleep; the election was held Nov. 8, 2016.

On the Kardashian Esplanade, above the speed limit, with the top down. This girl would be on 16 & Pregnant, except she’s too young [and MTV cancelled the show]. We’ll know there’s no hope if they bring the show back with her...

Pointless pointlism. Where were you when the President said let’s bomb them all?

Check the headlines today! You’re going to have to search for a new complaint...#Compassion