
Tilt, much? Not a Muslim ban but a restitution of an earlier restriction of travelers from countries known to support terrorism. GET it straight. Please.

I suppose the dems’ gerrymandering never bothered you? Vote them all out! The two party system is a bureaucracy unto itself.

Can’t wait to see those vote totals! Unless the PS4 gains voting booth status I don’t know how this will change...

You mean, “bribe” him? And you’re okay with that.....smh

Same is true for all those people who think Rick should have gotten on the plane! It’s a movie, folks!

Anachronize much?

The lowest point to date! #ShameTakesAHoliday

Feelings, nothing more than feelings....feelings of forgetfulness it seems! #GoodNightLadies

Might want to airbrush out the wine glass, if her conversion is to be believed....

Story timing is all on NYTIMES. Pinch is not known for subtlety....

If only these Democrats were as concerned about the Russians 4 years ago! Donald Trump is not a Manchu Rian candidate. If anything, Queen-to-Be Hillary was the one to be wary of. Outgoing President Obama laughed at Russian threats for 8 years. Where is the outrage for his fecklessness?

Except they don’t have draft picks above 3rd for the next two years. #Dolanites

As long as Dolan owns this team they are lost. #GKnicksGKnock

Sellabrating the Sellouts!! #Journalismism

Because...California is swimming in cash and has no greater need to serve!

It stands to reason: the majority of persons in America are women...

No way she actually marches. Another failed and failing protest of selfishness.

Planned Parenthood execs thinking:”Bonuses!!!”

A mugly loss to a mediocre team. Eli played like a rookie ando the roughing call on Vernon was outrageous.

Oh, no! Adults gonna have to take responsibility and stop killing “mistakes”!