
If Democrats voters could ‘look past’ HRC’s indiscretions and rail more about their revelation than their substance, this is just further proof the electorate is an ass.

Same footage shows Mr. Arnold lapping up the derogatory phrases. Seems the only reason he would not be lying about this...or Trump has outtakes of Tom Arnold acting stupid (from <insert any Tom Arnold movie>)

If Northwestern didn’t unionize, this woe begotten exercise should fail, as well. Time to end “Big” time college sports.

Its as deep as mud and just as clear. Why is the CIA so beloved and trusted NOW?

Start with Brothers Karamazov!

The collective freak out over supposition and hearsay is reminiscent of Salem,MA. around 1680.

What else would keep her “famous”?#SmartMove

Keep up the wishful thinking. More of these are fabricated than not.

“Gravity of the story”? Why would you continue to feed myths? This 18 year old deserves jail time for fabricating this attack!

President Obama has been playing the BeeGees’ “Words” on an endless loop for 3 years.

Perhaps Bill should give Ms. Rossum half of what extra he receives, assuaging all concerns!

Gotta think of the brand, right?

I do think think so. Voter suppression does not consist of: “May I see your ID?”

Yeah, that ought to work!

Facts is facts...

Dono feel too bad . Ms. Stein gets to keep about $4 million. That’s  good work for a month!

That’s ridiculous . Do you truly think some women don’t believe what you believe? How intolerant !

Vote Him out? The electothings is over, ladies...

Too much weed bein’ smoked by the folks in Colorado , it would appear ! #PresTrump

21-0 Bengala would be considered a ‘win’, in Cleveland now!