Prop 8 all over again . ..
Prop 8 all over again . ..
Guess you haven’t been paying attention these last two decades... Goldman folks have been in high offices all the while. Why do you think no one went to jail after 2008 meltdown?
It’s not hard...he modeled his presidency on the back of Wm Jefferson Clinton’s Arsenic Hall appearance . ..
From the “Script in a blender” school of moviemaking, apparently! I’m waiting for the Transformers - Transporter mashup!
Goose=Gander? Isn’t this type of kame-fowl exercise what is being pushed for President Obama and the current Congress to do, for the “correct “ types of legislation ? #SALT
The “Green” party, indeed. Jill Stein is becoming a member of the 1%, thanks to all you donors to “the cause”. #ABC2016
Veni Vidi Vicious? #ToleranceForMost
Rich white woman trembles despite the fact she and her children walk 3 feet above the ground mere mortals tread. Anyone taking Ms. Davis seriously should be worried for his/her sanity.
An awful example of what’s left of leftist ideology : win by thievery when the results of a legitimate contest is unfavorable . The problem grows into a quixotic one as the precedent would be set. Once more, Lincoln spins.
Not everyone. In the Northeast you had Paul Mujahideen of the Newark Star-Ledger calling out the real possibility of Trump’s election in early Summer.
Who’s clowning here? Since when is assault ok? When it’s pitched BY someone you like vs. someone you don’t? Sick logic from the folks who don’t see the value of human life from conception. There’s nothing brave about standing on stage with your mobile of buddies and reading the riot act to someone. For shame on then,…
Yes. Respect for a human life is so monstrous!
What the “left” is all about these days: protest for protest’s sake, when a legitimate contest is lost for them. Shameful use of a bully pulpit!
NCAA needs to disband now. College sports are simply a plantation game enriching managers and coaches while chewing up young people, often leaving them ill prepared for anything except running and jumping.
Uh oh, now NYC’s mayor has nothing left (for one so far from right).#ABC2016
It gets better. Life is even more local than politics.
The histrionics are too much! Grow a pair, already !
And nothing about it. The precedent has been set.
If Hellary wasn’t indicted, he won’t be, either! #ABC2016