Star Wars is a series that deals with scales on an intergalactic level
Star Wars is a series that deals with scales on an intergalactic level
Rosa Salazar has joined the cast of Captain America: New World Order as the Serpent Society member, Diamondback.
I spent my savings on a custody attorney recently
Ken Marino is underrated in general, but what he’s done with this character is hall of fame stuff.
You can’t tell a Daredevil story without Foggy, he’s arguably more integral to the character than even Alfred is to Batman
They use a lot of beats for emphasis with a one-word follow-up, that’s got to hurt the average.
So the point of this interview is how he’s not to apologize for the show and also how he got a joke he didn’t like squashed?
To be fair to the ManBearPig-ass idiotic A story, the brand management B story was also terrible.
My wife and I started doing this back in spring 2020 and have kept with it, some of it rewatches from our 90s youth (we just finished The State, which is much worse than I remember), but mostly older stuff. Among the things we’ve discovered is that Seinfeld is mostly a ripoff of the first season of It’s Garry…
If they aged everybody up it could play as an updated All in the Family, but a cast of adults with more likely Q adherents than election believers who are only countered by two 13-year-olds, I don’t know.
Mike Tyson, who assaulted two motorists after a traffic accident in 1998 and was sentenced to a year in prison, fined $5,000, and ordered to serve two years probation along with 200 hours of community service. He also has other various legal problems, including charges of sexual assault in the early 2000s.
There used to be a lot more movies that were both high profile and very bad. I’m not sure any of these movies meet the classic Razzie standard other than Morbius.
2000 Gore campaign volunteer → 2008 PUMA → 2020 ultra MAGA school board meeting screamer pipeline
TFW you’re assigned a press release to turn into an article but can’t think of anything to say about it, so you troll instead.
Everyone who had a friend whose uncle worked at Nintendo knew this back in the day.
Just the girls.
He needed a break.
After a Top Gun: Maverick’s soaring studio success, Paramount Pictures clearly has its eyes trained on another fruitful franchise.
What did the comma do to get cut from the adaptation?