Congratulations on rewriting someone else’s story.
How in the hell did the Discovery Channel become the most powerful force in moving pictures?
You couldn’t handle it.
It’s exceedingly important in the times we live in for talk show hosts to be capable of changing minds
And yet Netflix continues to silence me by refusing to host my documentary, Things I Found in My Toilet (Which Are Poop). I remember a time when we had freedoms in America!
Is this coming out after the other new sagas or before?
Bring out Michael Richards, you coward.
Slashdot has finally won.
It’s the sacred tradition of alternate universes that their superheroes get massacred constantly.
Also got the feeling they’re working out how to do stretchy powers without it looking terrible like it did in the 00s movies, but also not looking like body horror. There was very little of it on screen in his brief time fighting. Hopefully not a bad sign for the Ms. Marvel effects.
Get a load of Commento over here.
[puts up billboard ad along Vince Gilligan’s drive home that reads Meth Damon: The Series]
Quite a stroke of good fortune for Louis.
100% this is in response to Disney’s too-little-too-late opposition to Florida’s “don’t say gay” bill.
These Moonfall promotions are getting out of hand.
It appears he’s now going full-time as a Paulie Walnuts cosplayer.
TBF, I doubt the nearly 60-year history of Pym particles has ever once stuck with that when it comes to growth. Comes and goes for shrinking – Pym-shrunk people punch with the power of a bullet, but also can be carried around in someone’s pocket.
The thirst for content can never be sated. Maybe just shut the site down the year?
It’s been 11 months and he hasn’t commented publicly on the claim that he participated in an attempted coup. That’s enough evidence to fire someone from a TV show for participating in an attempted coup.